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Your Guide to Boosting ROI through Customer Service
If you’re looking for great ROI, there’s a simple solution that you don’t want to overlook: provide great customer support!
Studies have found that it can cost from five to 25 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain one. The numbers don’t lie – it’s in your best interest to focus on pleasing current customers. While a healthy expansion of your customer base is clearly desirable, when it comes to pure ROI, your budgets can be more effective when used on customer retention efforts. Cultivating the loyalty of your audience through superior customer support efforts is a powerful way to drive ROI.
In this eBook from ModSquad you will discover:
- Proven best practices that will improve your customers’ perception of your organization.
- Support tactics that you can deploy today to ensure better customer retention, hence increase ROI of your brand or product.
- Solutions that will be a great benefit to both your customers and your support agents.