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Attention is a Currency
Brian Solis
We earn it, we spend it, and sometimes we lose it. Why now is the time to invest in digital experiences that matter.
Did you know that nearly two-thirds of UK professionals get their news on Twitter and Facebook?
In the last 30 years, mankind has produced more information than in the previous 5,000. At the same time, attention spans are down to 8 seconds and falling.
We suffer from information overload like everyone else.
The flow of information is only accelerating while attention spans are struggling to stay focused on everything that happens every second of every day.
Algorithms are busy filtering, re-organising and presentin information to us…our way. If anything, when it works, I’m more addicted rather than soothed. But that’s the point.
It’s more than news though. It’s all the memes, animated GIFs, updates, events, questions, conversations and every other digital snack that feeds our hunger for stuff. And we can't stop eating.