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Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report
Why a Content Methodology Is Needed
Irrelevant, Inadequate, or Non-Existent Measurement
Content marketing investment is on the rise, with everyone from financial giant Chase to mattress startup Casper investing heavily in robust content operations. According to Contently’s latest report, “Content Marketing 2016: Staffing, Measurement, and Effectiveness Across the Industry,” 73 percent of organizations created more content in 2015 than they did in 2014. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s benchmark report, 76 percent of B2B marketers and 77 percent of B2C marketers plan to create more content this year than last.
Yet roughly two-thirds of marketers create content without any documented strategy,1 and over half of both B2B and B2C marketers are not clear on what a successful content program looks like within their organization. Most organizations just add to the noise, lacking a clear sense of both content objectives and the metrics that signal success. As a result, it’s impossible to know whether their content has made any impact whatsoever.
To learn more, download our Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report