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US Consumer Device Preference Report Q2 2015
Movable Ink
Q2 2015: Desktop Conversions Rebound
Movable Ink’s US Consumer Device Preference Report was first released in 2013 and provides deep insight into consumers’ adoption and use of smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, and how they engage with email while using their preferred devices.
This edition of the US Consumer Device Preference Report is based on data collected in the second quarter of 2015, April to June. This Q2 report shows that although mobile dominates device preferences when it comes to opening emails, desktops still play an important part in the overall email experience.
• Desktop Conversions Spike Again. In our Q1 report, we noted that mobile email conversions (phone and tablet) surpassed desktop conversions for the first time ever. In Q2, we expanded the sample size and analyzed 267,000 conversions driven by email and discovered that desktop
conversions rebounded. Desktop conversions increased from 37% in Q1 to 52.6% of all conversions in Q2. Smartphone conversions made up 29.3% of the total and tablet conversions made up the remaining 18.1% of conversions.
• Mobile Opens Inch Upward. Last quarter, we saw mobile email opens reach 67% and, in Q2, that number is still inching upwards, with 67.8% of all emails now opened on mobile devices.
• Tablet Users Spend Less Time in the Inbox. We’ve noticed that iPhone users have shorter attention spans than Android users, but can you guess who’s less captive than both? Tablet users. Over 75% of iPad users and 58% of Android tablet users spend an average of 15 seconds or less, reading an email on their tablet.