
Ayswarrya G
Ayswarrya G 4 June 2020
Categories B2B

How to Not Fail at B2B Blogging with Five Simple Yet Powerful Tips

In the age of indefinite remote work and social distancing, the entire world is spending an incredible amount of time online. Search engines like Google are our answer to everything. So, a little digital presence and exposure will help B2Bs get more eyeballs on search engines and bring in new business. But simply setting up a blog and dumping content won't do you any good. For your blog to succeed, you need to follow five unwritten rules, let's call them blogging best practices. Read on to know more.

Why blog?

If you’re a B2B, then you needed a blog, like, yesterday. According to The Economist Group, executives use blogs to make business decisions. 

75% use blogs for research, 24% use blogs for making comparisons, and another 24% use them to know more about trends/challenges within their industries.


Blogs aren’t just for letting people know what you think, if done right, they can also get you more eyeballs on search engines and bring in new business. That’s a million-dollar reason why B2Bs should have a blog. 💸

Especially now, in the age of indefinite remote work (tsk tsk… house arrest) and social distancing, the entire world is spending an incredible amount of time online. Search engines like Google are our answer to everything. So, a little digital presence and exposure won’t hurt you at all.

But simply setting up a blog and dumping content won't do you any good. For your blog to succeed, you need to follow five unwritten rules, let's call them blogging best practices. 

So let's take a look at these blogging best practices, one by one.

Rule #1. Be human

"Yay, I love reading corporate gobbledygook!" Said no one, ever.

And yet, we see tons of articles using jargon all the time. (In my past, I’ve done it too. 😬)

But if you wish to stand out from the noise, be different.

Write like you talk. Go back to your personas and imagine having a conversation with them. Now write that down. That’s the language your articles should use.

Use analogies, metaphors, stories… anything that makes your content human because that’s how your prospects will relate to you and your brand.

Rule #2. Keep it simple

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar to you. 🤚

"Our robust solutions leverage bleeding-edge technologies to help take your business to the next level."

Now I’m sure all freelance B2B content writers, at some point, have been guilty of using empty promises like these words above, aka jargon.

Jargon is annoying, pretentious, boring, and 100% not relatable.

Go back to your conversations and try remembering buying something because it leverages some revolutionary tech that will make things seamless for you.

You don’t.

So, keep things simple.

If you sell, let’s say, software that your personas can use to talk to their team members from anywhere in the world, then SAY JUST THAT.

Then explain how it’s easier to use when compared to other software available in the market.

Lastly, promise them they don’t have to worry about the software failing. That’s it.

Rule #3. Create evergreen content

If the problem you’re solving is real, then there will always be people looking for an answer.

Identify what those core problems are, in your case, and create content that focuses on those issues.

Then, acknowledge that you know about your readers’ problems. Do your research and present it to them so they don’t have to waste their time doing that.

For example, if you’re selling, let’s say, a cloud hosting platform, then tell them:

  1. How to find out how much space will they need on the cloud?
  2. Do they need something extra to guarantee that their data is safe on the cloud?
  3. How much time will it take to set up and use?
  4. Has cloud hosting really saved money for companies?

After that, show them how you’re solving their problems. That’s evergreen content.

If you do your research right, then it will always rank well on search, and it will always apply to your personas.

Rule #4. Collaborate with experts

Ask yourself this.

What is it that your personas need but don’t have easy access to?

The answer is advice—exclusive, tactical, specific, and relevant.

How can you bring this advice to your personas? By collaborating with B2B leaders or influencers that your readers look up to.

First Round does it exceptionally well by creating content for VCs (Venture Capitalists) using interviews with leaders in the VC community. Today, the entire VC community looks up to its content and considers it to be top-notch.

Just do a quick search on their traffic or backlinks to check this for yourself.

So, make a list of the top experts that your personas follow and plan ways of collaborating with them—interviews, webinars, podcasts, guest posts… the possibilities are endless.    

Rule #5. Avoid being pushy

People don’t like being sold. You don’t ask someone to marry you on the first date, do you?

Use that logic for sales. You shouldn’t ask someone to buy your product on your first blog.

Instead, go back to your personas and think about the reasons this person would visit your blog in the first place.

Don’t write 10 different articles on how amazing your solution is and how it will transform/reimagine/revolutionize… feel free to replace these with your favorite corporate jargon.

Instead, write about topics that establish your authority, such as:

  1. What challenges do your personas face?
  2. How are their industries evolving?
  3. What experts in their industries are saying?

Show them that you know what you’re doing. If your prospects see how irresistible you are, they will come to you.

Bonus tip: How long should a B2B blog post be? 

There is no right or wrong answer here. Although, I favor longer posts like ultimate guides as they answer all the questions your ideal persona might have, and they’re great for SEO!

And there you go, so keep these five tips handy if you're going to invest your time and effort blogging. If you have any questions, post them in the comments below or email me at [email protected].

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