
Roland Pokornyik
Roland Pokornyik 9 November 2015
Categories Email & eCRM

6 Types Of Marketing Emails You Should Be Sending

There is much more to email marketing than just presenting your products to recipients.

Those who use email marketing often do it chaotically. They don’t really know what to include in their letters, so mostly they will just include some offers and CTAs – but there is much more to email marketing than just presenting your products to recipients.

There are several types of marketing emails that you can – and should – send. All of these are good for different things: some build your brand; while others promote your content and help you raise awareness about a new offer you have. Let’s have a look at the options you can choose from.


The most common type which is basically used for sharing news about the company, new content and offers, events and so on. A newsletter is a great choice because you can include almost anything in them – link to surveys, to your content published earlier, discounts and new offers.

You can keep in touch with sending regular newsletters and as a result make it more likely for subscribers to recognize your brand. It may also interest you that newsletters are the fifth most liked type of mail to be received on mobile devices according to the statistics compiled by Emailmonday.

Image source:

They are also easy to create. If you create a great template using a responsive email editor you can use the it over and over again when sending out newsletters, you just have to update the content.

But they also have disadvantages, the biggest one is that they can’t focus the attention of the recipient on a main CTA. But that is a job for…

Dedicated Emails

Dedicated emails focus on one thing: a special offer or a product that you want to bring to your audience’s attention. You don’t have to sell a product in a direct email, you can also spread the news about an event you are holding or announce some important news in them.

As these emails usually include one main CTA by design they are easy to track and also easy to create.

You have to spend very little time building the template with your email editor as there is only one main message you want to focus on – just pay attention to proper placement of certain elements and your email will be just fine.

You are of course a bit limited on the content you can include, but you can always send out…

Digest Emails

These are basically the simpler versions of newsletters. They mostly consist of lists, so you can say they are the email versions of listicles. Easy to consume, easy to create – you can even automate the process.

The disadvantage is of course that they tend to be very impersonal just like most automatically created content. If you want to get personal with your subscribers, you should also pay attention to their actions and send out emails accordingly.

Image source: Dazeinfo

Welcome Emails

The first email they receive after subscribing, with a ton of potential advantages. Fist, the recipients will know that their subscription is valid and they will be expecting further emails. They will not forget you immediately and blacklist your address the first time you unexpectedly send out a newsletter to them.

Also, it is easy to automate welcome emails even with a personal touch – you can include some information they gave you during the subscription process (like name, job position, company name, interests, etc).

Lead Nurturing

This is probably the most complex but also the one that promises the greatest return. With lead nurturing emails you target specific audiences that you want to turn into leads – your later customers.

In these you can educate the consumers about a particular product or service. Tell them why it is good for them, what advantages they might get if they convert, present your product as just the thing they need – they just didn’t know about that until then.

To be successful you also have to utilize segmenting and personalization. You have to know who are you writing for, who are those who are most likely interested in what you have to offer – that way you can create very personal emails resonating with the specific problems and demands of you recipients.

Want to get even more personal?

Anniversary Emails

You can also automate anniversary emails, but they tend to be more personal as they are sent usually for specific personal occasions. Like the anniversary of the user joining the site, actual birthdays, holidays in their country (again: use data and segmentation and get to know where you recipients live).

These emails tend to strengthen trust in the brand, get positive feedback – and you can also have great conversion from it. How?

You can make special offers for the occasion. Provide specific deals which are only valid for those users for that specific day. Not convinced? You should know that according to Experian anniversary campaigns experience open rates three times higher as standard mail.

This is only the tip of the iceberg

Email marketing – just like every other marketing channel – is a kind of art. You have to practice, experiment, fail to make your luck and become a great email marketer.

There are tons of other marketing emails that may work for you, so don’t feel bad if haven’t mentioned your email “type”. Please add your own tips as comments!


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