I am an internationally award winning photographer and visual artist. I am the CIWEM Young Environmental Photographer of The Year 2013 and I have also won first places with National Geographic,The World Photography Organisation, Nature's Best Photography and The National Trust to name only a few.
My photography has been published in the Telegraph, The Guardian, The British Journal of Psychiatry, Life Force Magazine, British Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and as the front cover of books and magazines extensively throughout the world.
My art is globally exhibited, having shown work in New York, Paris, London, Rome, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Copenhagen, Washington, Canada, Spain, Japan and Australia amongst many other locations. I was also the only person from the UK to have my work displayed in the National Geographic and Airbus run See The Bigger Picture global exhibition tour with the United Nations International Year Of Biodiversity 2010.
The written work of mine has had permanent showcase on the official company blog of Zenfolio. In 2012 I was especially invited by the founder of the BCC to contribute an article to highlight the importance of the Day Of The Imprisoned Writer.