Jeremi's profile

Jeremi Karnell
Jeremi Karnell CEO beehaus Beehaus
United States

Jeremi Karnell has been a leader in the digital marketing space since the dawn of the web as we know it. As the web has evolved over the past 16 years Jeremi has consistently been ahead of the curve in helping businesses adapt and profit from digital interaction with their customers. It was Jeremi who recognized the need for a new type of agency and began to assemble the founding team that would become beehaus in 2012. As CEO, his leadership and vision have helped make beehaus one of the nation's premiere agencies for graph based and distributed touch point social marketing. A quick peak at Jeremi's Pinterest page reveals a passion for design and a borderline obsession with cute bulldogs. Beware: Jeremi is prone to extreme anxiety when exposed to Yo Gabba Gabba videos.


Graph Marketing, Interest Graphs, Social Graphs, Content Graphs, Social Merchandising, Social CRM, Social Design, Social Media, Content Marketing, Search Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy Development, Online Direct Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Human-Centric Marketing, Customer Experience.

Previous Experience

2012 - Offergraph - Co-Founder 2012 - Beehaus - CEO 2011 - 2012 One to One Global - CEO 2005 - 2011 One to One Global - President & Chief Marketing Officer 1997 - 2005 One to One Interactive - Co-Founder & President