
nabila Hussaini
nabila Hussaini 27 March 2020

Step-by-Step Dummy’s Guide to User Experience Design

User Experience Design is a collection of activities that you do for a product or service and creating a product that is useful and useable for your users.

Let’s talk about the user, who is a user? User refers to everyone who is expected to use your assets such as websites or computer applications, and experience is the experience of a person using the assets in terms of how easy or pleasing of a product or production for users the way they want.

UX design is an interaction someone can have it with a product and users. The way how your user feels and thinks about your product or service, the most essential point is solving the problems of the user and solving the issues that the user faces every day.  

You must discover the problems of users and how can you progress the users’ needs day by day, and solving the problems product that provides user experience e.g. the Samsung are thus designed with not only product consumption, so the UX designer they don’t create a usable product, they also create pleasure, sufficiency, and fun too.

So UX design stands for user experience, in other words, the design of experience for user and experience is an interaction between the product and the user.

UX designer is doing the stuff that makes people feel great and pleasure about your product when they use your stuff.

Come to the process section: The UX design is understanding the usability in understanding technology, what platform are you working and how does it work? Does it solve the problems of the user? the exact thing that they want. Let’s go through the process step by step together.

Step 1: Solving the user problem 

What are their problems? And how can you solve that problem for your users, understanding the user needs and problems? You can solve the user problem by asking or talking to your user. Maybe sometimes finding a real solution is difficult but so you may need to dig deep and do some real-life observation as well as just talking to your user.

Step 2: Understanding your users and your brand

For what kind of platform are you looking for? To provide a useful and usable product for your user. 

Step 3: User Experience

The most important part is User experience, the overall experience of users using a product, include effective and meaningful, valuable, usable interaction with your product.

Step 4: Research

understanding user behaviour, needs, and a collection of feedback that works in the real world with real people. In this way, you find out the user’s needs which should form the basis of what you’re designing.

Step 5: Evaluation 

Evaluation is a batch of feedback of users before during or after using your product and interaction with your product. Evaluation is important for UX design to know the feedback of the user and their suggestion to your product.

Step 6: Interview, Focus Group, Discuss Team

You need to interview or discuss your product or service with your co-worker and a team, it needs focus group about that product your making for the user before publishing.

Coming together is a beginning,

Staying together is progress,

And Working together is a success.

-Henry Ford

Step 7: Usability Testing

Usability testing is a method that the test is doing by a real user to measure how usable or useful is a product and how easy it is for the user to reach their goals.

Step 8: Design

After doing all those processes this step is to work on the final graphic and using a great image and them and using different graphic styles to apply for them.

Design is not just What it looks like and feels like,

Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs

In UX design there are some skills you must focus on like collaboration is an inherent point to progress in UX design, you must discuss and collaborate with your colleague or your team to talk about the product as well as taking their idea and feedback is very fine.

And also, communication is a great method for UX design to communicate with users and how to explain design and ideas in different ways to your audience and also interpret or justify your work and design to your users and solving the user problems.

Excitement for problem-solving: As there are different ways and solutions to test UX design multiple times before you can finally come up with a specific idea, just by having a passion for problem-solving can be very useful.

Work as a team: Always many companies provide the best product for their customers and its all the effort of a team, who work together to make the best product for users, so work with a team is the most valuable stuff that provides the better choice for a company.

Eventually, it’s all about solving the user’s problem understanding your user, how can you solve their problems? And interacting with your user and product. making the best product that is usable, useful, for your user. I hope you have found inspiration in many processes and skills I have mentioned in this article. 

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