
Rick Barron
Rick Barron 13 September 2019

What's The Plan?

In today’s 24/7 world, your business can thrive or die based on your company's unique digital marketing plan.

In today’s 24/7 world, your business can thrive or die based on your company's unique digital marketing plan. Many of your customers will come directly from an online location. Whether this is through a mobile device, a home computer or a tablet, it's important to have a dedicated plan in place for those customers.

To meet the needs of each of these customers, a good digital marketing plan requires a large web of connected digital channels. You need one dedicated platform that integrates all of these aspects. There are many to consider such as think Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Each platform has its uses, so before you dive in, you need to create a plan and use what works best for you.

1. Review Your Current Digital Marketing Strategies 

Putting digital marketing actions into motion without a previously-devised plan or strategy could lead to failure for not considering all the aspects that could impact their development. When developing a digital marketing plan, you have to include components such as determining your target audience (buyer persona), business objectives, and an adequate value proposition.

What is a digital marketing plan? A digital marketing plan is a document sharing the details for all the planning for your digital marketing campaigns or actions. It details, among other things:

- What are your short, medium and long term business goals?

- What are the strategies to achieve the goals at the digital level?

- What social media channels should you use, why and why not?

- Do we have a YouTube channel or any other videos posted online?

- What were our past marketing campaigns? What worked and what didn't work?

Completing this list will create a solid foundation for you to start a new online marketing strategy. Remember that successful websites need to be responsive across a wide array of devices, so check the responsiveness of your current web assets.

2. Create the Plan, And Choose the Team and Timeline

This is where the rubber hits the road for your new digital marketing campaign. Your plan will likely succeed or fail based on how completely it has been developed.

The first thing you should consider is which platform you are going to use, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google.

Once your platform has been selected, you should choose a team to run your new digital marketing campaign. You need people who will remain dedicated to the plan throughout the implementation and revision stages. They will need to continually track the success of the plan in order to tweak it as needed, so be sure to have an on-going planned scheduled status meeting.

The last step of the plan creation stage is to create a timeline. Set clear goals for your internet marketing team. This should include when web development should be completed by, and recurrent plans for proper search engine optimization across all of your web assets.

3. Execute and Launch the Campaign

This step could take days or even weeks to properly launch your online marketing campaign. You want to make sure that each of your new web assets goes online at the best possible time and that all of the software is working as intended. The majority of digital marketing campaign launches don't go according to plan, or they don't stay on schedule, so don’t panic…stay focus. Be realistic about how much time needs to be set aside for your campaign launch and be sure that you have a mechanism for proper tracking in place. There are plenty of online marketing tools available to help you identify the calls, emails, and inquiries made as a result of your campaign.

4. Measure Using Data from The Analytics and Optimize

In the months following the launch of your new digital marketing drive, you need to constantly measure its success through the data from your web analytics.  Reviewing the data, you have collected has turned into a critical pillar for successfully optimizing digital marketing performance and spending.

Make sure you have an effective real-time data visualization system. The digital world evolves rapidly, so you need to be on the lookout at all times to identify opportunities and room for improvement in an instant.

Next: Take Further Action

Unfortunately, even the best-laid digital marketing plans fail when there's no game plan for measurement and implementation. Even if you do everything perfectly and build the most brilliant digital marketing strategy out there, you're still busy running your business. Hope these four steps to creating a consistent, smart marketing strategy will be helpful.

About the author

Hi, my name is Rick and I thank you for reading this article!

I explore to learn new stuff every day and here I will share all my experiences and thoughts with you.

You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram. :)


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