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E-Commerce SEO Agency: Why do you need them?

Establishing an online shop is just the first step in the digital world of retail and e-commerce. Getting more traffic could be overwhelming and take up so much of your time. To prevent investing your time and energy in learning new concepts of SEO and e-commerce its always better to hire an E-Commerce SEO Agency. You will then be able to concentrate completely on running your business properly.

So, you have an online store, and you think that’s all you need to make sales? How naïve of you. Setting up a store is only getting your foot in the door. The world of retail and E-Commerce is cutthroat and difficult and will lead you to the point where hiring an E-Commerce SEO Agency is your last resort.

Establishing an online shop is just not enough to ensure your online presence. Generating more traffic for your business can be exhausting. It is, however, crucial for getting steady, regular sales from your online shop.

Being Recognised Online

Statistics have shown that almost 93% of internet users are interested in ‘searching’ for stuff. This may range from finding the meaning of a word, to the ideal pair of trainers. If you run an online business, the idea of being recognised online must have crossed your mind. There are several strategies to do so. However, the biggest strategy is known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). If you have an online shop without search engine optimised content, you’re depriving yourself of major traffic. Being ignorant of SEO could rapidly put you in the online minority, a position deadly for your internet business objectives.

Amateur Owner or Expert Agency

Considering the plethora of search engine algorithms and puzzling industry jargon, the concept of E-Commerce SEO could become overwhelming. While SEO may not seem as difficult as it first seems, it certainly isn’t easy. If you decide on doing it yourself to save some money, then know that it isn’t a onetime process. All the major search engines, like Google, keep updating their algorithms regularly for better results. That means you will have to make changes to your strategies frequently as well.

Therefore, it is recommended you hire an E-Commerce SEO Agency to save yourself time and energy learning those difficult technicalities. If you lack the expertise in SEO, then it’s better to hand it over to a trusted agency. You can always put your efforts in other aspects of your business.

A Little Knowledge Doesn’t Hurt Anyone

Though you can always hire agencies to do SEO for your business, it’s better to be prepared. Having the basic knowledge of these terminologies and technicalities will be an added benefit. This way you can always be one step ahead when choosing an E-Commerce SEO Agency for your business. So, here is a rookie’s guide to knowing SEO, and how it differs from E-Commerce SEO.

What is SEO?

In layman’s terms, SEO is the marketing tool that brings you more traffic, which in turn creates sales. It’s an advertising process that concentrates on increasing your brand’s prominence in organic and non-paid search results. It helps in driving traffic to your website with an intention of expanding the visibility, that ultimately raises sales. With clients often using search engines to find anything they’re after, its vital that your content is search engine optimised, so that you don’t miss out on potential customers.

SEO Brings Traffic, Traffic brings Customers

Almost every E-Commerce SEO Agency claims a certain amount of traffic generation on your website. When your website is better search engine optimised, it will draw in more visitors. The more visitors you bring in, the greater chance there is that one (or more) of these will turn into a customer. For every hundred visitors on your website, about two to three are inclined towards buying something. The more SEO content you have, the more chances there are of converting one of those visitors into a paying customer.

With an efficient SEO strategy, you can generate more traffic onto your website. Going by the previous data, with around 1,000 visitors to your site, you should expect around 30 customers.

What is E-Commerce SEO?

While the fundamentals of regular SEO and E-Commerce SEO are quite similar for every industry, there are differences as well. Any E-Commerce SEO Agency that you hire will ask you specifically about the needs of your website. After that, it will be decided whether to go for regular SEO or E-Commerce SEO. E-Commerce website SEO is quite different than other type of websites; like corporate, local, or news websites. It has different technical issues that require more expertise. These issues revolve around handling layered navigation, duplicate content, different sorting, or broken links.

Now, all those issues could be hard to stomach and even harder to fix. That’s where E-Commerce SEO Agencies come in to help. They regularly run E-Commerce SEO site audits to ensure an error-free website. Employing an agency could be an expensive but reliable strategy, compared to self-service. They have high degree of expertise, can save you time and energy, and increases sales instantly.

What Do E-Commerce SEO Agencies Do?

Well, for starters, they take away all your worries (regarding SEO, to be precise). They do everything for you to optimise your E-Commerce site; from researching keywords to modifying site structure. Let’s take a tour to what an E-Commerce site needs to be recognised and how E-Commerce SEO Agencies do that:

Keyword Research

The first thing the agency does to optimise your E-Commerce site is searching for the most effective keywords. This is the most important task for your SEO campaign and could be exhausting. Keyword research is the base of your whole website, as you won’t be able to optimise your products without them. Moreover, site structure and URLs also include keywords. Therefore, having strong and searchable keywords is quite crucial for your website to be optimised.

Now, choosing the right keywords may seem like a clear-cut process. Unfortunately, it’s not. Rather than the easy “how-to” keywords, for an E-Commerce website, the keywords have to be product-focused.

Do it yourself if you have all the time in the world and no business to look after. This type of research requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, better leave it to the professionals. This will generate far more productive results in far less time. They have the required expertise in using tools like Amazon Suggest, Keyword Tool Dominator, SEMRush, and Google Keyword Planner etc.

Hiring an E-Commerce SEO Agency is better because they not only find you keywords, they help implement them as well. Most E-Commerce SEO Agencies use four simple steps to spot the best keywords for your E-Commerce products.

1. Search Volume

2. Match Keyword and Product

3. Weigh Buying Intention

4. Analyse Competition

While doing all those things yourself could be overwhelming and may not be as fruitful, it’s always a better idea to hire an agency to get it done.

Site Structure

Once it’s done, the next step for your hired E-Commerce SEO Agency is your website’s structure. E-Commerce websites have to be designed in a user-friendly manner. How the pages on your site are arranged has a direct influence over sales. Normally, E-Commerce websites tend to have more pages than other websites, which is harder for an individual to manage. Hold discussions with the agency that you hired and tell them about your needs. They make sure that your website is simple and adaptable. Moreover, having each page maximum three clicks away from homepage is recommended.

Most people who think they can create a website structure simple enough are mistaken. You may save some money, but you’ll lose it again by missing out on all those sales. Hiring an E-Commerce SEO Agency is recommended as not everyone is well aware of the technicalities. So, instead of making a maze of a website, get a simpler one made for you.

On and Off-Page SEO

To evaluate your site, search engines look at both on-page and off-page SEO. On-page SEO is, basically, about what your website ranks for, or what a page is about. While off-page SEO looks at the popularity of your website or how high you rank in Google search results.

So, after setting up a website structure, it’s the turn of product pages optimisation. Having perfectly optimised E-Commerce website is not a piece of cake. It can take up all your energy and abilities. So, sometimes it’s better to hire an E-Commerce SEO Agency to do it for you and save yourself some time. Learning all those technicalities is not a one-man job. Your focus should be your business and these things can keep you occupied for hours.

E-Commerce SEO Agencies have their own data and resources from which they can look up what common terms are being used in Google searches. They use such words in your page titles to generate the best Click Through Rate (CTR). They follow the simple equation of greater CTR = more clicks = increased sales. Words like “sale”, “guarantee” and “free shipping” are like magnets that attract customers.

While this guide may be a little helpful for beginners, this still isn’t enough to run a completely optimised site. There is no one-size-fits-all formula at work here. These things develop with time, gradually. So, it’s better to benefit from the expertise of a reputable E-Commerce SEO Agency that caters your business needs.

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