
Bhavin Tanti
Bhavin Tanti 31 August 2018

Choosing the right name for your app

Choosing an appropriate name for your app is important to let it reach to its potential audience. This little article will help you to find a suitable name for your app.

Just developing an application for your mobile app idea is not enough for making a fortune. You need to give it an appealing name which can be easily remembered by the potential audience in order to increase the number of downloads.

You might think “What’s in the name?” EVERYTHING.

Do you think Stefani Germanotta sounds as rocking as Lady Gaga and Eldrick Woods sound as sporty as Tiger Woods? No. Never. It is only because of these aliases that these celebrities have become household names. And the world of mobile applications is no different.

An attractive name for an application can help you to create that first impression in the overcrowded App store where there are millions of free apps. It can help you to stand out from several other similar apps in the same niche. If you have already materialized your mobile app idea then its now time to give it a great name so that all your efforts in developing the app don’t go unrewarded. Here, in this article, we will discuss some tips to name your application so that it does not unnoticed among hundreds of similar apps.

1. Hint at the functionality

The name of your application should be something related to what it does. Don’t go for something totally obscure, otherwise, you will have to rely a lot on your app icon to convey your app functionality.

Before starting to consider the names for your application, you need to do some homework. Identify the end goal of your product, its target audience and the emotional response of your users regarding your product. Once you are done recognizing these factors, start with the conventional method of naming an app – pair the functionality of your app with a word that enhances its originality. Clarity and recognizable are the two most important factors while naming an app.

2. Be original

Obviously, the first thing you will think of while naming an app would be to connect the name with other popular apps. Like something with prefix Facebook or Insta. But see that in gaining recognization, your app will lose its legitimacy. Why would anyone be interested in downloading the 50th app in the Play Store named Facebook-something or Insta-something when they are getting the original one? Don’t get lured to name your app by associating it with the conventional apps. Don’t be a copycat, be original.

3. Learn from others

Although your name should be unique, you can always take an inspiration from your competitors especially when you are trying to enter an overly crowded app category. Take a look at what apps similar to your app have been named and take a note of what works and what does not. However, as we said earlier, don’t be a copycat. Don’t duplicate your competitor’s app name and just add an extra character to it. It won’t earn any brownie points to your app but will deteriorate your image.

4. Use real words

While considering the names for your app, think of how people will tell their friends about the app so that they can download it too? While you are allowed to make up new words, don’t go for something that is hard to say and remember. Think of a name that people can talk about in the real world and will not need a paper and a good memory to spell it correctly. Even though your app can become a success with an odd name too, but again, why take the risk?

5. Optimize your name for app store searches and social media

This is one of the most important factors to keep in mind while naming an app. Choose a name which includes the keyword you want your app to rank for in the app store. But don’t stuff keywords. Use them sparingly and in a natural way in the title and description. This will help in increasing the ranking of your app in the app store. Also, make sure that the name of your app is available as the domain name and as social media accounts. This is very necessary for marketing your app.

You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner for keyword research.

6. Find the right length

Keep the name of your app short and concise. Don’t go for long names as it will be hard to remember. On the other hand, searching for too short names will let you in the struggle of finding a name that is not taken by anyone else. Adding the availability of social media handles and domain names to this criteria will further narrow down the list. So, choose a name that is short and concise, easy to remember and the one that conveys the functionality of your app.


There are a lot many things that go into the naming of an app. These are just a few factors. However, consider these points and list down some of the best names. When it is the final show time go with your gut feeling and name the app. After all, it’s your app.

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