
Neil Capstick
Neil Capstick 1 June 2017
Categories Social Media

How Social Media Can Help Generate Conversions

If you think your website needs help in order to generate conversions, think about using social media. It’s free, does the job and is certainly a platform all businesses should be using.

Social media is a very powerful tool for lead generation. You have to be patient, it takes a little time to become well established and your content must be high quality.

One particularly effective way to generate leads is by using social ads. This is the ideal way to advertise your business on social media sites to deliver marketing communications. This connects with consumers more readily who will be attracted by your social ads.

Ways you can use social media to generate conversions

  • Treat social media as a place where you can place your content to a worldwide audience. Whether the content is on a landing page, a blog post or in the resources section, it has to hold the attention of the reader, so make it interesting and informative.
  • Experiment – there are many paths you can experiment with however it’s a good idea to always link back to a relevant page. A PDF guide is perfect for browsers who want to learn more about your business and what you offer. They can download this guide and then hopefully convert.
  • Keep your content easy to understand and entertaining. Boring content can soon turn people off, so keep your landing page, home page or blogs light and entertaining. Take some time to create content that’s relevant to each platform or why not use professional content writers?
  • Use informative and interesting images on your website. Again, to keep your audience’s attention and to generate conversions through social media, have a sense of humour. Visitors will remember the sharp content and beautiful images more so than just a lot of boring script.
  • Double your traffic. By sharing your content on social media many times over, you’re almost guaranteed to double your traffic. Send your posts to Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, then post them a second time the day after. Sharing posts a third time secures more traffic. The more you share, the more likely people are going to click on your website. But just make sure you’re not sharing too much. It doesn’t look good on your business when you’re posting “spam”.

So why not give social media a try to generate conversions to your website? If it works for others, there’s every chance it will work for you. After all, when you’re in business you do need new leads from time to time to help your company grow.

By following these social media conversion tips, you will be able to develop a great social promotion schedule. It won’t take long to appeal to a wider market, potential customers who are interested in your products and services. More customers, more profits! Sounds good, doesn’t it?

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