Why Kevin Costner Has Alot To Answer For
"If you build it, they will come."
You remember that, right? Everybody, even people not then born, know that famous line from Field of Dreams.
I’m convinced that this one statement has done more to harm the Community Management industry than any other.
I frequently have discussions with CxOs, very smart people, totally switched on who are interested in understanding more about Community. But the conversation quickly turns to, ’Well, can’t we just put up a Facebook page and let them talk to one another?’
And I smile, as I think that this very smart person, who is completely interested in understanding more about Community Management, has obviously seen that movie.
No, you can’t just build it, because no, they won’t just show up. They need a reason to be there; they need belief and trust that you welcome them, you want them, you value them; and they need to understand their commitment from you and why they should commit to you.
And mostly, they need engagement. You must reach out and talk to them, and you must have a valid reason for doing so; there is nothing that will ever change their minds about you once they decide you are not trustworthy, or that you are engaging them for your own self-serving purposes.
So think about why you want a Community, really. Not because everybody else has one, not because it’s the cool thing to do. And then build a plan to really talk to them.
Because they won’t just come if you build it... but they just might show up and stay if you invite them over, give them a lovely cuppa tea, and ask how their day has been.
About Author:
Christie Fidura is a Senior Consultant at The Perfect Circle, helping brands devise a strategy to build community to obtain maximum market impact.www.weareperfectcircle.co.uk/
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