
Five Ideas For Ensuring Your Business Content Is Great

How can you make sure your business content engages the reader and gets people clicking? We've got five ideas.

What makes compelling, engaging business content? How can you tell if your blog posts or articles are exceptional or just plain average?

For a start, your content has to be well-written. And it should be written with a focus on profile-building through increased visits, engagement and shareability.

In simple terms, it should consist of sentences that are carefully constructed with a view to informing and educating the reader, encouraging their reaction to the piece and, in simple terms, stimulating a conversation, be it by their commenting and/or sharing of the post.

Links and social sharing (like Tweets and Facebook shares) are both activities that Google calls “signals” of high-quality content that will sit at the top of their search pages.

So how can you make sure your business content engages the reader and gets people clicking? We’ve come up with five ideas for ensuring your business content is great.

Your content has to be:

  • useful (solving the reader’s problem)
  • interesting (relevant and catches their attention)
  • audience-friendly (readable and well-constructed)
  • sticky (the reader wants to settle in, learn more, take the relationship further)
  • unique (a time-poor reader wants to discover new material, not re-runs)

It all sounds straightforward but, for too long, content writers have been writing for search engines instead of people – in effect, they’re writing spam rather than meaningful words that benefit your business.

It’s wasting their time and yours, and generally annoying the people you do get your message in front of.

At the end of the day, high-quality content will naturally bring more traffic and greater popularity to your site. Search engines intuitively prefer sites with great content. For example, consider a website with content on one page that informs while, on the following page, encourages discussion.

Simply having a great website design or posting frequently on your blog is no longer enough - and unlikely to generate any sort of emotional response from your reader.

The online content you put out as a business is one of the most important tools for providing information to showcase and sell your services and products.

So when it comes to writing for your business, if you can’t do it yourself, then hire a professional writer to create epic, can’t-put-down-able content, which will drive visitors to your site and in time persuade them to do business with you.

If you‘re struggling to find ideas for your blog posts, you can’t find the words to describe your business or you don’t have time to draft your website copy, we can help. We’ll write blog posts that excite, newsletters with impact, press releases and brochures to inspire, and compelling online articles that turn readers into customers. Learn more at

What do you think makes great content? What ideas would you add to this list?

Russell Ward is the founder of content writing agency,, where he helps business and brand connect with their target audience through content writing, social media, LinkedIn marketing and editorial. His work has featured in The H. Follow him on Twitter: @russellvjward

Original Post


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