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10 Of The Best Things To Come From Social Media

10 ways in which people all over the world have put social media to great use.

In celebration of #SocialMediaDay2015, we looked at 10 ways in which people all over the world have put social media to great use.

Social media is a great way of creating dialog between user and audience. As a brand it allows you to transfer information to your audience when required, kickstart a conversation as well as put your brand in front of new audiences.

1. Raising Money For Charity


Last summer, thousands of people all around the world came together via social media to raise thousands of pounds for ALS, and just as importantly awareness of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The New York Times, shared some amazing stats about this phenomenon:

  • More than 1.2 million videos on Facebook between June 1 and August 13
  • More than 2.2 million shares on Twitter between July 29 and August 17

Pretty amazing really.

2. Reuniting Lost Items

In the last couple of months, Nationwide have shown everybody just how important social media can be in returning people’s lost items.

This advert is all about a scarf which has been passed down through generations, that gets left on a bus, but has a happy ending.

This video has reached nearly one million views on YouTube and has been seen across the country in ad breaks.

3. Reuniting Families


We love this amazing story about how a young lady finds her birth family in just 36 hours thanks to Facebook.

In a short space of time, her Facebook page has drawn over 8,000 followers, which is pretty incredible.

4. Helping Local People


Back in January, Dominique a fashion student in Preston raised more than £45,000 for a homeless man, who had tried to give her his last £3 after she lost her bank card on a night out.

Dominique slept rough to raise awareness and money to help the man, known as Robbie, to “set himself up”. She initially wanted to raise £500 to get him a flat, which she then upped to £1,500 when the money started streaming in.

Dominique said: "Robbie is overwhelmed and emotional about it all. He was so grateful. There aren’t enough positive adjectives to explain how I feel. It has been overwhelming. Homeless people are the focus, rather than what I did. I was just returning someone’s favour."

5. Showing Respect To Our Veterans


Hundreds of people, recently attended the funeral of former soldier, Alex McDougall, who had no known family, after an appeal across social media.

Staff from the Beeston Fields Care Home, where Alex was living, appealed for mourners on social media over fears the funeral would only be attended by a limited number of staff, but they never expected the turnout they got.

Deborah King, from the home, said: "It’s so nice that people that have been in the military, veterans and those serving, are taking an interest and showing there are kind people out there. He would probably be quite overwhelmed by it all."

6. Helping Us Realise That Our Problems Really Aren’t That Bad!

7. Reuniting Lost Pets


This gorgeous blind dog, named Abby, got lost during a snowstorm, over in Alaska. She ended up at a house over 10 miles away where a man looked after her and used social media to get the message around the community and eventually track down Abby’s family.

8. Helping Kids Have Amazing Parties


Earlier this year, a young girl’s 10th birthday party was attended by hundreds, after none of her classmates said they could attend and she felt “kids don’t want to play with her”.

Mackenzie was diagnosed with Sotos Syndrome when she was just one year old. This disorder has delayed her development, making it hard for her to socialise. When Mackenzie’s mother realised that noone may attend her daughter’s party, she posted on Facebook groups inviting strangers to join in the celebrations. Over 300 guests turned up with gifts and food, and Mackenzie made some great new friends.

9. Raising Awareness Of Everyday Sexism

10. Helping Poorly Children Realise They’re Not Alone


Back in March, a poorly little boy, called Seth’s called upon people to wear his favourite colour, yellow, for a day, using the hashtag #wearyellowforseth. Hundreds of people got involved posting photos across social media, including celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher and William Shatner.

Seth suffers from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID), meaning he has no immune system and has had to be kept in sterile, germ-free, isolation from the outside world, which can make him feel very alone.

This amazing campaign sure made Seth realise he is not alone.


All these examples really make you realise how many “good guys” there are in the world, but it’s also a great way of showing how social media can raise awareness, whether it is about an charity, an event or your business.

Check out our social media training workshops to see how we could help your business become an online phenomenon!

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