
Christina Mayer
Christina Mayer 23 February 2015
Categories Content

How To Control Your Traffic In A Jiffy

Wasting time knowing how to control your traffic in the nick of time?

Know these simple “hacks” of controlling website viewers!

Your website traffic that is currently residing in your website may be doing some good things in your website, but little do you know that these viewers can actually hurt your site badly?

I always point out that our traffic is very much dynamic. You cannot have total control on them. They can do whatever what they want in your website as long as they are inside your website. They can suddenly swarm your website or they could simply leave without notice. This is why constant monitoring is needed in your website.

What if the worse things happen in your website? What if your website suffered from Slashdot effect? What if you need to lessen down your website’s traffic in order to control the speed of your website?

We already knew that controlling websites is not an easy task. It would sometimes take days and would require specialists to acquire that full grip in your visitors. What if you don’t have that much of a time, will you be able to handle it? We’ve studied these events and we came up with something that could fix these problems.

Now you can control your traffic in a jiffy with these simple tricks!

1. Redirect your traffic to your website’s lite version
If you think that your website cannot handle traffic anymore, you could simply redirect them to another version of your website. You could use 301 pages for this matter. This is usually used by websites to lighten the impact of traffic.

2. Do maintenance regularly
Sometimes, the problem lies within your website itself. You can simply control your internet traffic by fixing bugs or errors in your website. Although it will not technically lessen your website, but the impact of sudden traffic might be avoided.

3. Be wary of your traffic analytics
Always keep your analytics intact if possible. These data gathering could pinpoint traffic sources that eventually hurt your website. Checking analytics does also help you identify which strategies works best with your traffic. With these, you’re not only improving your business but also guarding it at the same time.

4. Know your website’s limitation
This is a must, especially if you’re doing promos that increase website traffic. Identifying your site’s traffic limitations will help you identify your limits and bars when it comes to traffic.

5. Be aware of your site’s activity
You should also be aware about your website’s activity and it’s appearance on the internet. You may not know it, but you might have posted a viral content that could attract swarms of traffic. Although it’s a good sign to attract lots and lots of traffic, you can still fall victim to trolls that can easily destroy your websites in minutes. So that’s how to control your traffic in a jiffy! Learn to diversify your website and avoid the sufferings of getting swarms of websites by limiting your traffic intake. Don’t take my word for it. I’m sure you’ll be thanking me later!

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