The Four Main Ingredients Of A Good Presentation
Attention is crucial when presenting, but how do you get people's undivided attention?
Attention is something that you need to get from your audience when you deliver your presentation. If your presentation is horrible the attention span of your audience will definitely drop.
What is the ideal presentation supposed to be like? It’s really hard to pay attention 100% of the time. You need a pattern interrupt. What is that? That is something you say to bring the crowd back in.
You could show a demo, ask them to exercise, ask them a key question or something of that kind.
But if you do not have the major parts in your presentation the pattern interrupts won’t help you at all.
Here are the 4 main ingredients that will make your presentation real good:
- Quality Content – good solid content, stuff that your audience isn’t aware of
- Humor –anecdotes and humor that allow the conversation to flow better. Stories that support the main content
- Insight – When you include something that makes the audience go “That is quite insightful” or “I never thought about it”
- Great Timing – know how long the story to be when to tell the story when to insert the key point and provide the insights. That will make the presentation real good.
If you want to stress on something studies suggest that you can use repetition in your presentation.
Three times is the optimal times you should repeat something in order to make a point.
Originally posted here.
About Author:
Twitter handle: @socio_saurus
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