Social Media, Forget Everything You Knew (Presentation)
Forget everything you knew about social media!
Since the appearance of Social Media, and the relative empowerment of the consumer, we’ve been trying to tell marketers they can have visibility for free.
Just like magic… Since this year, you can read everywhere that Earned Media is dead, that Facebook’s Edgerank for brands is almost 0… Oh, and by the way, Facebook may soon disappear and Twitter will never spread to John and Jane Doe… In others words, it’s all been a big misunderstanding.
Sorry about that, hope you enjoyed your journey… It is very interesting to see the various reactions from marketers. They range from “I knew it - television rules and always will”, to people crying because they’ve spent so much money, just to be able to tell their boss they have X number of fans.
Maybe it’s time to take a break and see what this is all about.