
How to Get Buy In From Other Departments for Social Media Software

Marketing used to be about creativity - but the times they are a-changing.

Social media software is vital for engaging with customers and busting internal silos. So you’d think that we’d all be keen on punching through our social media software plans asap – but there’s one major obstacle standing in the way. Yep, that’s right – us. 




Marketing used to be about creativity - but the times they are a-changing. Data is increasingly ruling the roost, leading to CMOs having to brush up on their data skills and hiring employees with data-focused skill sets. But: 

of marketers say they are being held back by disconnected systems and technologies.


Only companies that get software right - automating tasks, performing lead management, monitoring ROI - will be the ones that succeed. And it’s clear that social media tools are essential to this plan:

of marketers will increase their investment in social platforms; while 45% will maintain existing levels of spend. [SOURCE: The Socially Enabled Enterprise research] 


of organizations report that they currently are or will be a socially enabled enterprise within the next 12 months. [SOURCE: The Socially Enabled Enterprise research] 

And it is increasingly coming down to the CMO to convince company departments about the value of social media tools: 

Social media spending – as a percentage of marketing budgets – will more than double over the next five years

So how do CMOs convince their peers about the benefits of social media software – and why it is vi tal that every department works together to become a social enabled enterprise? 

“The Buyer – and the Toughest Sell”

The huge change in the marketing process is leaving CIOs wondering what their role is exactly. Marketing is getting all techie and ’data this, data that’. Then you throw social media software into this mix and the CIO could be forgiven for feeling as if they’re being left out of the decision tree. 

But winning their backing is imperative for CMOs because the CIO will buy and implement any social media tools. 

The CIO’s top four anxieties...

1. “Tell me again how we’re going to integrate these spangly social media tools with all our other company systems?” 

2. “How do you expect me to ensure different business departments are using the same tools so they don’t disappear into their own silos, not to be seen again until the Christmas party?” 

3. “Social media tools sound great – but let’s talk figures; how much is it going to cost in time and money to maintain it?” 

4. “I’ve already got a headache from coordinating all the different SLAs, contracts and data across the software we currently use... good grief, has anyone got a Nurofen?” 

Top four-winning arguments for the CMO to use
How social media tools will benefit the CIO... 

1. “It creates a ’single customer view’ database between departments… 
… instead of different bunches of tools all clamouring for your time – social media software offers an integrated system featuring social listening, engagement, publishing, content and apps, and analytics. A one-stop shop, in other words.” 

2. “Social Relationship Management systems are automated... 
… so you can focus on those core IT issues that bring me out in hives such as ’robust APIs’. 

3. “Take a load off... 
… because reputable Social Relationship Management providers are creating platforms that require less time and work to implement, offering a unified Cloud-based service. Which all means...” 

4. “... it’ll free up time for us to create innovative stuff together... 
… because fully integrated social media software won’t take chunks of time to run or maintain. Instead, we can work on new ideas and processes – without me ever using phrases like ’blue-sky thinking’ or ’out of the box’, I promise.” 

The value of social data white paper goes into the specifics of how an organization can make best use of social data. But the buck doesn’t just stop with the CIO – everyone in your business needs to be won over, from board level to department heads. So engage these arguments to make your case: 

Which department runs or owns the Social Relationship Management system?
In this video case study, Pernod Ricard Social Media Manager Jeremie Moritz explains how having a single platform which can be used by all teams - in-house, agencies and consultants - has helped "to make it more efficient and save a lot of time and a lot of money". 

According to Antonia McCahon, Global Head of Digital Marketing, the "actionability of social media" is a key concern for the organisation across departments. 

SVP, Digital Marketing
“The Collaboration Champion” 

What they currently do: 
“Use social media management tools and processes to deploy social media strategies – but they’re all separated and costly at the moment, making it a pain to deploy efficiently.” 

How to sell social media tools to them:
“You’ll have access to a fully integrated platform where all social media outlets are pulled together into one place, giving you the ability to easily analyze customer insight data, monitor success rates and more.” 

Social Media Manager
“The Engagement Evangelist” 

What they currently do:
“Coordinate the organization’s social media messaging across multiple platforms, ensuring that customers are engaging with our brand.” 

How to sell social media tools to them:
“Use a one-stop solution for not only monitoring how successful your messaging has been – but enjoy the ability to quickly deploy time-dependent and brand consistent messaging across your social footprint.” 

Business Analyst
“The Meaning Maker” 

What they currently do:
“Ensure that essential data is available so sales issues, potential hotspots and more can be identified – and dealt with.” 

How to sell social media tools to them:
“Spot distribution and supply issues in a heartbeat – by ‘listening’ to data provided by a Social Relationship Management system, benefit from a meaningful view of sales intelligence and easily share findings with key stakeholders, plus connect data sources across an organization with ease.” 

Creative Technologist
“The Front-End Fanatic” 

What they currently do:
“Set up content and apps, contests, embedded video, and more – all while monitoring client satisfaction and billable efficiency.” 

How to sell social media tools to them:
“Enjoy streamlined content management, a simpler developer interface plus full customization options – all meaning a boost in your efficiency and creativity.” 

Senior Media Manager
“The Promotion Powerhouse” 

What they currently do:
“Publish, analyze and measure analytics so ‘Return On Objective’ (ROO), click-throughs, views/impressions and conversions can be acted upon.” 

How to sell social media tools to them:
“It offers a joined-up view of all social media outlets to aid you in making key decisions about campaign strategies more efficiently – from search and network buys to paid social.” 

Solution Architect
“The Integration Implementer” 

What they currently do: 
“Develop tools for internal customers and communicate with my clients at each stage of the development process.” 

How to sell social media tools to them:
“Social media tools will aid in scheduling/delivery and boost internal customer satisfaction, all while offering a stable platform that acts as an effective company-wide communications portal.” 



  • The CMO must act as the evangelist for Social Media Management platforms.
  • It is imperative to win over the CIO first and foremost.
  • Clearly state what benefits social media tools offer to each and every stakeholder – how will they make their working life better?
  • Don’t bury your potential “buyers” in hyperbole; stick to the facts.


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