New App: Facebook Paper
As though we needed yet another antisocial (albeit gorgeous) distraction, Facebook is about to launch a new app on February 3rd. We've been hearing murmurs that Facebook would release a news-reading app soon, but what we didn't expect was Paper which - more than a news reader - is practically a redesign of Facebook. And it's better.
As though we needed yet another antisocial (albeit gorgeous) distraction, Facebook is about to launch a new app on February 3rd. We’ve been hearing murmurs that Facebook would release a news-reading app soon, but what we didn’t expect was Paper which – more than a news reader – is practically a redesign of Facebook. And it’s better.
Facebook Paper is a complete overhaul of the Newsfeed, allowing you to mix and match updates from your friends with news from around the world. Facebook call these groupings “sections”, and it’s up to you, the user, to make of these sections what you will.
“Stories. They can be told with words, or with a single picture. How each story is told, is as important as the story itself” – Facebook.
The Facebook Paper app is yet another example of how digital design trends are moving towards a ‘less is more’ aesthetic this year. Once again, the clutter is shifted aside to make room for super simple typography, along with fullscreen video and images that are complimented nicely with (what seem to be) slick swiping gestures.

This UI pattern is entirely different to what we’ve become used to with Facebook and Twitter, where you can easily smash through a truck load of content with very little effort. This being said, the change of pace and scenery is certainly a welcome one.

The assertion I’m about to make is entirely unofficial, but all I see in the video and on the website suggests this is exclusive to iPhone and “App Store”. Even the trademark disclaimer at the bottom of the website is exclusively Apple. What fate do our Android companions have in store for them? Only time will tell, but I hope that they get to bask in the Paper glory as well.
The Website
It wouldn’t be a post on The Pixel Lab Blog if I didn’t have a quick couple of words about the Facebook Paper website. I’m not going to say “I told you so”… but I did say that fullscreen HMTL5 video was inthis year, didn’t I?
The great thing about the simple design of this website is that it helps you focus on the message and understand the intent of the app. Facebook Paper wants you to slow down your consumption of news and appreciate the content, which is exactly what this style of web design is about. You have no choice but to sit back and take in the experience.
This article was previously published here: