Digital Marketing: Where B2B is Taking the Job Market
Today's business buyers are turning to the Internet just as much as any other consumer.
Today’s business buyers are turning to the Internet just as much as any other consumer. Though it is approached differently in each area, digital marketing is a growing trend for both the B2B and B2C spheres. This is gradually changing the face of the job market, putting a heavier focus on the computer-savvy employee who knows how to harness the latest technology to build a strong B2B marketing strategy.
The Changing Job Market
Jobs are changing in nearly every industry. Raghuram Rajan, finance professor at the University of Chicago, notes that “In a competitive world, there are no safe jobs. Every job, in some sense, has to continuously be reinvented.” Teachers are replaced by advanced computer programs that can simulate medical training. Receptionists are replaced by automated call centers. Anywhere that a computer can replace a live person, it probably will.
What does this mean for marketing? Gone are the Don Draper days of pitching an advertisement with a bit of song and dance iced with a suave smile. Marketing has taken to the digital age much like everything else, and the strongest job candidates are well versed in just how digital media works for the B2B market.
Digital Marketing for B2B Vs. B2C
B2B and B2C marketing tactics are becoming more similar all the time. Thanks to the Internet, most consumers begin the buying process the same way, regardless of whether they’re making a personal purchase or a business one. The consumer seeks out the products and services he needs online. It’s essential that both B2B and B2C companies maintain a strong presence on the Internet through a variety of channels. Reaching out to the customer is still important, but more essential is making sure you’re there waiting to be found when the customer reaches out to you.
Speaking to the B2B Consumer
The main difference between B2B and B2C digital marketing is who you’re talking to. You must tailor the message to your audience. You can count on an individual consumer to act impulsively, but this isn’t as true of the business buyer. Even if you do score one or two passionate impulse buyers, it’s unlikely that you’ll have a whole chain of them in the same company, and B2B marketing must be ready to work all the way up the decision-making chain to really win over a new company.
What the B2B Marketer Needs to Know
As a B2B marketer, you must know how to use the new world of digital marketing to your advantage. Some old school skills, like knowing how to prepare strong copy and what information to highlight, will translate neatly from more traditional marketing efforts to the new digital world. You may have used a brochure or sales packet in the past. Now you’re placing that information online. The B2B buyer still needs the same stats, but how you’re presenting them has changed.
Social media and digital marketing skills are important for targeting your potential customers and giving them what they want, where they want it. The finance director will look for different information than the sales manager, though they’re both interested in purchasing your product or service for their company. Make sure that each one is able to find the information they need on your website or through your social media pages for a marketing plan with big impact.
Essential Skills in a Changing Job Market
The Online Marketing Institute performed an insightful study on the importance of digital marketing skills. Marketing executives identified the skills they believe are important as well as the skills they believe their marketing teams actually possess. The gaps clearly identify desirable skills that will boost your value in the job market.
Mobile marketing and analytics lead the charge for both brand side and agency side executives. These job skills are highly prized for up and coming digital marketers and will place you well ahead of the competition.
The marketing industry is continuously tasked with keeping up with the changing worlds of the Internet and social media. Staying on top of the very latest online trends will help you achieve long-term success as a B2B marketer.