Do Your Marketing The Google Way
The products that Google promotes are merely a collection of websites that they brought together with a really easy to use interface and accessibility to various regions.
Let’s Google it, a very popular term that many of the online users repeat when looking for products, reviews, websites, and information on various topics… The website became the guru of information that everybody visits most of the time and rely on with their quest and requests of information. It resembles the true meaning of content marketing, where all what it does and have is just content – but not of its own.
The products that Google promotes are merely a collection of websites that they brought together – with a really easy to use interface and accessibility to various regions. A similar approach is being mimicked by brands as they try to develop content of their own to promote products of their own – some of which fail to do so, and other brands are relating to the customers in ways that makes them as expert as Google in its approach to provide information for customers to rely on.
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Google doesn’t do marketing, the brand became popular because the customers consider it the main source of information; it is the website that you remember its URL and type it the first thing you get on your computer. But how Google did it, and how can brands can market the “Google” way:
- Don’t Market
Marketing is misunderstood by a large segment of companies as being the mean of shouting-out your brand and products to the customers, and the louder the shout the more the customers will buy the products. If you really do understand marketing, it is about relating to the customers with your products and services; being an expert on things, a source of information to make the life of the customers easier in a way that makes them remember your brand and frequently visit for advice.
- Google Does Search / Companies Does Content
The major bewilderment in the minds of the customers / marketers / advertisers that they confuse between product awareness and product marketing – awareness is all about advertising, and marketing is all about relating to the customers. The Google philosophy is very simple; they provide the means to the people to search for whatever information they are looking for. The brand became a shared culture with what they provide, and should companies do. It is all about content; a compelling ad that advertises a company’s products will not sell as much as content that tells the customers how that product will make their life better. People don’t buy “Take my product” as much as “My product will make you able to do this”.
- Delivering More than It is Expected – Setting Up Priorities
Google tries to make more and more stuff available to the people; it is the people’s brand that promises less and delivers more. The website’s interface is very simple, but it fulfills the needs of the customers as quickly as possible – and that’s what brands should be doing. The products or the services provided should not be at the centre of the relationship between the customers and the companies as much as the customer experience. As a customer, I want to get my product as fast as possible, but the more the company provides ways for the customer to enjoy that experience they will hang more and buy more – which is the main purpose of marketing.
Google is not just a website; it is a shared culture between the customers that became possible because of its simplicity, understanding, and adding value to the relationship with the users. The brand is online, but it being a best practice with the experiences it provides is a great example for brick and mortar as well as online brands.
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