
Harriet Beckett
Harriet Beckett 19 December 2013
Categories Content, Social Media

A Marketing Manager's New Year Resolutions

New Years Resolutions for your Digital Media Strategy

We all have those annual promises we make to ourselves that inevitably get broken. This year, why not apply these age old New Years Resolutions to your Digital Media Strategy  instead and reap the rewards (whilst still being able to eat chocolate!)



1. Get organised

With the holidays behind you now is the time to collate all the amazing ideas you have had over the break into a clearly mapped out marketing strategy with defined goals and action plans. Draw up a document outlining your awareness, consideration and decision content and how you are going to present them. Try branching out from high word count blog posts and try a creative alternative such as a slideshares or infographics.


2. Quit the junk

Fast food is delicious but does not give your body the nutrients it needs to thrive, the same goes for ‘fast content’ it does the job in hand but does not quite provide the environment needed to nurture your leads  . Stop churning out the same old ‘junk’ and ensure you are creating engaging and captivating forward thinking content that your audience will want to interact with.



3. Save money

Traditional methods of marketing such as newsletters and print ads can be expensive and time consuming to analyse and sometimes difficult to collect refined useful data, so in January why not implement cheaper digital alternatives such as blogging and social media. This digital approach negates the need for print and publishes your content for a fraction of the cost whilst still maintaining a visually dynamic and eye catching campaign for your audience.


4. Get fit and healthy

Being fit and healthy means everything is working the way it should. Use a marketing tool such as Hubspot to review the metrics that matter to prove your marketing ROI, then use what you have learnt to apply to future strategy.




5. Get a new image

Everyone wants to be the leader of the pack, however it takes much more than saying you are a brand leader to actually be one, especially in the digital age. Develop your online brand by developing your company personas, your thought leaders and online champions through social media platforms like Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.


6. Learn something new

Don’t be afraid to try something new. There are new exciting marketing tools and social media platforms being developed all the time, and one of these might be just what you have been looking for to address your business pain or the pains of your potential customers. Try having a play with more creative platforms and programs such as Pinterest, Vine and Canva.



7. Spend more time with others

Not all the leads you generate will be in the right position in their cycle to convert to sales immediately. Make sure you don’t loose their interest by nurturing the leads you have created with your amazing marketing plan by following up with call to action documents and even a friendly call.


8. Help others

You can do your bit to boost your customers digital visibility by retweeting, liking and favoriting their social media posts and by sharing any blog posts. Not only will this boost your popularity but could increase their sales, it’s a win win!!

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