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Social Tools: Our Last Resort to Keep a Semblance of Social Life and Leisure?

Social Tools: Our Last Resort to Keep a Semblance of Social Life and Leisure?

Yes, according to 78% of millennial and 33% of boomers from a recent survey. This past year has pushed the digital boom even further, not only in the consumption of goods but also in people’s interactions. Our...

Aline Strouvens
Aline Strouvens 22 July 2021
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How to Get Your Business on YouTube (And Why You Should!)

How to Get Your Business on YouTube (And Why You Should!)

YouTube is the largest online video platform, one of the most visited websites on the internet, and the second most used search engine globally, right behind Google. So, if there is one place where your business could...

Victor Blasco
Victor Blasco 12 July 2021
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The New Age of Influencer Vulnerability and Why Brands Should Take Note

The New Age of Influencer Vulnerability and Why Brands Should Take Note

The world of influencer marketing has shifted rapidly in the past six months. We have moved from the age of 'look at me' to the age of empathy and brands need to take note of these changes.

Jennifer Quigley-Jones
Jennifer Quigley-Jones 14 October 2020
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Key Trends in Online Video During Covid19 and How Brands Can Benefit

Key Trends in Online Video During Covid19 and How Brands Can Benefit

The Covid19 pandemic has dramatically impacted every aspect of our lives - including our media consumption. We are digitally socialising and spending more time deeply immersed in online video. At a time when social...

Jennifer Quigley-Jones
Jennifer Quigley-Jones 11 June 2020
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6 Tips To Help You Grow Your Youtube Channel

6 Tips To Help You Grow Your Youtube Channel

Are you an aspiring YouTuber? Do you wonder how you can attract viewers? Do you want to be able to achieve your target goal? Stay with us in this article as we discuss the top 6 tips to promote your YouTube content.

John Mathew
John Mathew 16 April 2020
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