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What is Programmatic Advertising?

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising is one of the main growing trends of the last decade and is becoming more and more used by big and smaller players across all industries. Check out this article to learn what it is, how it...

Jenny Stanley
Jenny Stanley 20 July 2021
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Omnichannel Marketing Can Close the Gap Between Brands and their Customers

Omnichannel Marketing Can Close the Gap Between Brands and their Customers

There are always gaps between where consumers spend their media time, and brands spend their advertising budgets. New research reveals where the biggest discrepancies are right now, and why. And it examines why...

Michael Nutley
Michael Nutley 19 July 2021
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Luxury Brands Should Embrace the ‘Next Normal’ in Post-Pandemic China

Luxury Brands Should Embrace the ‘Next Normal’ in Post-Pandemic China

With China’s domestic luxury expenditure soaring, luxury brands in the UK must recalibrate their strategies, taking action to “navigate the now”, plan for the recovery, and shape the future.

Kirstine Newton
Kirstine Newton 27 April 2021
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Why Brands Are Being Set Back By Squeezed Location Data Supply

Why Brands Are Being Set Back By Squeezed Location Data Supply

GDPR and CCPA, coupled with operating systems such as iOS13, brought with them a raft of key changes to address consumer privacy concerns. For marketers, however, there has been a significant drop in the...

Mark Slade
Mark Slade 9 April 2020
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Black Friday 2019: ECPMs Still Rising For Mobile Publishers

Black Friday 2019: ECPMs Still Rising For Mobile Publishers

Publisher data shows an average increase in revenue of over 50%. It can feel like Black Friday is losing its dark draw for many people. There are fewer reports of till-side chaos or stampedes for marked-down technology.

Jon Fletcher
Jon Fletcher 19 December 2019
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