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An Advertiser Who Does Not Use Automation Will Lose

An Advertiser Who Does Not Use Automation Will Lose

Let’s talk about automation. Do you automate your ad placements? Do you consider your company automated? Most likely for you and me, this concept has a different meaning. And now I will tell you what automation means...

Polina Kedis
Polina Kedis 16 June 2023
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Automotive Chips and Dips

Automotive Chips and Dips

Automotive (micro) chips and (sales) dips: How the latest trends in marketing automation can help the automotive industry bounce back. Way back in the last millennium, as a fresh-faced graduate I wound up working for...

Tim Biddiscombe
Tim Biddiscombe 6 May 2022
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What Businesses Need to do About Marketing in the Age of Automation

What Businesses Need to do About Marketing in the Age of Automation

Marketing is all about fulfilling the needs and desires of as many people in your target market as possible. However, to fulfill so many needs, the marketing strategy has to be highly intricate.

Praveen Mishra
Praveen Mishra 30 July 2021
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Should You Reduce Your Marketing Spend?

Should You Reduce Your Marketing Spend?

Right now marketers have a great opportunity to shake off the “it’s the way we’ve always done things” mentality and revisit marketing automation strategies and processes to create a “this is how we do things now...

Andrew Addison
Andrew Addison 28 July 2020
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Martech Migration

Martech Migration

The martech landscape has always been complex, but with more and more new ways to engage customers, it becomes even more challenging to navigate the different concepts and capabilities – all too often we’ve seen the...

Tim Biddiscombe
Tim Biddiscombe 16 July 2020
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