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Do New Year’s Resolutions Offer a Greater Opportunity to Brands Than Christmas?

Do New Year’s Resolutions Offer a Greater Opportunity to Brands Than Christmas?

Christmas is typically considered the pinnacle of brands’ marketing calendars, with a huge amount of preparation and budget being appropriated towards the 25th December not to mention the preceding festive shopping...

Maor Sadra
Maor Sadra 8 December 2023
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CRM Implementation: Best Practices

CRM Implementation: Best Practices

Implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a strategic decision that can significantly enhance a business's efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall success. However, a successful CRM...

SISGAIN USA 6 September 2023
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7 Ways CRM Tools Can Help Ecommerce Businesses in Marketing and Sales

7 Ways CRM Tools Can Help Ecommerce Businesses in Marketing and Sales

CRMs or customer relationship management systems not only allows you to manage your customer lifecycle efficiently but also helps in syncing and streamlining the sales and marketing team activities. In this article we...

Jitendra Bhojwani
Jitendra Bhojwani 8 December 2022
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Not all Customers are Equal, Some are More Equal Than Others

Not all Customers are Equal, Some are More Equal Than Others

Using data and insight to understand your customers has never been more necessary than right now. In this blog post we explore how you can identify your most valuable customers and why this is important to the ongoing...

Peter Rivett-Jones
Peter Rivett-Jones 11 July 2022
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When is a Customer Not a Customer?

When is a Customer Not a Customer?

Customers who don’t repeat purchase are not really customers. They are still prospects. This blog explores the critical issue of getting a customer to that all important second purchase.

Peter Rivett-Jones
Peter Rivett-Jones 30 June 2022
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