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10 Must-Have Tech Tools to Transform Customer Feedback into Business Growth

10 Must-Have Tech Tools to Transform Customer Feedback into Business Growth

Explore tech tools for businesses to boost customer experience, from personalisation to real-time feedback, ensuring superior service and growth.

Chris Price
Chris Price 23 February 2024
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How These PIM Features can Create the Next Growth Opportunity

How These PIM Features can Create the Next Growth Opportunity

The increasing need for effective product information management solutions has become critical for businesses that sell products online. With the growing number of sales channels and the rising complexity of product...

Sudhanshu Singh
Sudhanshu Singh 31 May 2023
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What Challenges Does a PIM System Solve For Retailers

What Challenges Does a PIM System Solve For Retailers

In the age of hyperconnectivity and omnichannel sales, consistency is primal. Technology provides new opportunities to connect with customers who increasingly expect a conversational style of interaction across...

Sudhanshu Singh
Sudhanshu Singh 2 February 2023
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How to Generate an Email List For Your Business

How to Generate an Email List For Your Business

Email marketing is an important component of any business's marketing plan. The first step in getting started with email marketing is to develop an effective email list for your company.

Thomas Peterson
Thomas Peterson 9 November 2022
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How to Implement a PIM System: A High-Level 5 Step Guide

How to Implement a PIM System: A High-Level 5 Step Guide

Product information management (PIM) systems have emerged as a must-have for all mid-size and large-size organizations aspiring to optimize their digital commerce operations and improve customer experience.

Sudhanshu Singh
Sudhanshu Singh 19 October 2022
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