We’re not even close to a conference, we’re a Fest. It stands for Festival. The Marketing Technology Festival. We’ll keep your belly full of tasty street food you’d actually spend money on…but you don’t have to because your ticket is 👏 all 👏 inclusive 👏 – and we’ll keep your brain full with stacks of useful, practical, actionable (and easy to understand) marketing technology content. We’ll keep the buzzwordery to a minimum, scouts honour.
And if size matters (and we know it does) you’ll be excited to know we’re comin’ in hot with our BIGGEST #MarTechFest event to date (we’re now 4 years running fam!), taking up residence in the shiny and exciting new venue MAGAZINE London – we’ve got space to fit 1200 of you marketing and tech types, so tell ya mates and assemble the team.