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#MarTechFest Global

#MarTechFest Global

#MarTechFest is the name and marketing technology is our game. But #MarTechFest is not a regular event, we’re the goddamn ‘anti-conference’. We have a hashtag in our name, and we let our speakers, nay we encourage our speakers to say swears during their sessions and urge attendees to do away with the suits for the day.

We’re not even close to a conference, we’re a Fest. It stands for Festival. The Marketing Technology Festival. We’ll keep your belly full of tasty street food you’d actually spend money on…but you don’t have to because your ticket is 👏 all 👏 inclusive 👏 – and we’ll keep your brain full with stacks of useful, practical, actionable (and easy to understand) marketing technology content. We’ll keep the buzzwordery to a minimum, scouts honour.

And if size matters (and we know it does) you’ll be excited to know we’re comin’ in hot with our BIGGEST #MarTechFest event to date (we’re now 4 years running fam!), taking up residence in the shiny and exciting new venue MAGAZINE London – we’ve got space to fit 1200 of you marketing and tech types, so tell ya mates and assemble the team. 


Join marketers from leading brands for the biggest #MarTechFest year to date. For more information, see here.  

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