Being a marketer today is harder than ever. And more exciting, too! Strategy and execution are table stakes. Hiring talent and managing teams, finding and implementing new solutions, selling up and demonstrating results are integral to successful marketing. Email, marketing automation, SEO, advertising, creative writing, identity resolution, video editing… it’s all in 14-hour-day’s work.
It’s enough to make you throw up your hands and wish for a simpler time where TV, radio, and brochureware websites were enough.
However, at Martech you will get:
- A comprehensive, graduate-level program created to address universal marketing pain points.
- Two incredibly intense days of sessions, keynotes, and networking (three days with a half-day martech workshop!)
- An unrivaled opportunity to meet your peers and connect with leading marketing technology vendors.
- An experience designed for senior-level marketers charged with assembling marketing technology stacks and teams that deliver exceptional customer experiences and measurable results.
- An introduction to members of the martech community that will accelerate your career and empower you to become a stronger, more confident (and promotable) marketer.