Day 1
10:00 AM TBC
10:15 AM - Gen Z burning down the house. Is your brand in flames?
11:05 AM - Digital Dependence: The Truth
11:40 AM - Under the Influence: Revolutionising the marketing mix
12:30 PM - Lunch
12:50 PM - Mixed Reality is the Future of Humanity
01:20 PM - Welcome to the Age of Creativity
02:15 PM - Invisible Advertising or the Collective Loss of Guts
02:45 PM - 'Better, Faster, More Efficient' - A Q&A with Sir Martin Sorrell
03:25 PM - Diversity & Inclusion - A Little Less Conversation, Time for Action!
04:15 PM - Drawing Pictures with Siri
04:40 PM - Future Focus: Customers are the new competition
05:30 PM - Bold New Worlds for Brand IP
Day 2
09:00 AM - Welcome note
09:10 AM - Augmenting Creativity: How AI and humans can get along
09:40 AM - Solving the Pricing Issue: A How-To
10:30 AM - Autism & Creativity
10:55 AM - The Best Way To Kill Innovation Is To Sell It
11:45 AM - Blockchain as a creative medium
12:10 PM - What the fuck is content?
12:55 PM - Lunch
01:15 PM - Spot the Bot
01:40 PM - WTF is happening? 5 consumer trends for 2020
02:05 PM- Liberating the Creative Voice: A Fireside Chat with Sir John Hegarty
02:40 PM - Deconstructing complexity of creative and content in the digital age
03:30 PM - Neurocreativity: Changing How We Create Content
03:55 PM - Implications of Deep Fake technology in a Post-truth era
06:00 PM -Connect: London Pool Party