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Webinar; Achieve Digital Transformation without Re-engineering Your Legacy Systems, featuring Forrester Analyst Mark Grannan

Webinar; Achieve Digital Transformation without Re-engineering Your Legacy Systems, featuring Forrester Analyst Mark Grannan

As enterprise companies redesign their websites and build new digital experiences to better connect with customers, they face the daunting challenge of bridging old, mission-critical technology with the shiny technology of today.

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Adrian Newby, CTO                Mark Grannan, Forrester
Crownpeak                              Senior Analyst

Date: Thursday, May 11th 
Time: 10 - 11am PDT | 6 - 7pm BST

As enterprise companies redesign their websites and build new digital experiences to better connect with customers, they face the daunting challenge of bridging old, mission-critical technology with the shiny technology of today.

For many marketers and IT leaders, that can mean rewriting back-end processes and applications so they’re compatible with a new system.  But smart companies are finding solutions that mitigate those risks and accelerate the process, by keeping those fundamental business technologies intact.

This webinar uncovers what architecture to look for in a web content management solution that will enable you to achieve digital transformation without ripping or replacing your legacy systems.

Join guest speaker, Forrester Senior Analyst Mark Grannan and Crownpeak CTO Adrian Newby to learn:

  • The difference between headless, decoupled and monolithic web content management platforms and the benefits each one offers
  • Where your organization falls on the digital maturity spectrum and how that impacts your timeline for achieving digital transformation
  • How organizations challenged with supporting older legacy applications, as is often the case with financial services, insurance, and healthcare, can move at market velocity to engage today’s customers with new digital experiences

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