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Contently London Forum

Contently London Forum

A successful marketing organisation runs on careful planning and strategy. But as a CMO, building the infrastructure to enable your team is no easy feat. That’s why Contently will be hosting our Contently London Forum.

Contently London Forum: Content Marketing for the Savvy CMO, in order to equip marketers with the latest trends, essential tools, and best practices that can take your content marketing efforts to the next level.

Contently CMO Kelly Wenzel and GM of Europe Rebecca Allen will be joined by representatives from Babbel and InterContinental Hotel Group to discuss how to implement successful content marketing programmes.

Agenda Topics Include:

15:30 – 16:00   Registration and Networking Welcome   

1600 - 16:25
The InterContinental Hotel Group Talks Audience SegmentationWe all know that content marketing planning involves more than just putting together a spreadsheet full of story ideas. Enterprise-level content operations need to know their audience, their industry, and their competition.

Designed for the modern CMO, this session brings together Rebecca Allen, Contently GM of Europe, and representatives from the InterContinental Hotel Group to talk about a key element of the content planning process: audience segmentation.

Rebecca Allen, Contently
Claire Chapoulet, InterContinental & Hotel Indigo
Rémi Lefèvre, InterContinental & Hotel Indigo, Europe   

16:25 - 16:35    Q&A    

16:40 - 17:10    
Fireside Chat with Babbel
Moderator: Syd Cohen Alperowicz, Contently

Edward Wood, Head of Content Marketing, Babbel
John-Erik Jordan, Managing Editor, The Babbel Magazine    

17:10 - 17:20    Q&A

17:20 - 17:40    Overview: The Science of Voice and ToneContently CMO Kelly Wenzel will discuss how understanding the five elements that compose a brand’s tone can make you a better marketer. We’ll then break down how tone scoring can aid your efforts in content optimisation, competitive analysis, internal audits, and more.    

17:40 - 17:50    Q&A    

18:00 - 19:30    Networking Reception  

Speakers Include:

Kelly Wenzel Chief Marketing Officer, Contently
Rebecca Allen GM of Europe, Contently
Syd Cohen Alperowicz Product Manager, Contently
Claire Chapoulet Brand Director, IHG
Rémi Lefèvre Lead Brand Communications Manager, IHG
Edward Wood Head of Content Marketing, Babbel
John-Erik Jordan Managing Editor, The Babbel Magazine

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