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SLI Connect

SLI Connect

SLI Connect is an annual e-commerce event hosted by SLI Systems. The next event will take place on Tuesday, the 15th of March 2016 at the prestigious Ham Yard Hotel in London.

SLI Connect is a one-day event that brings together the UK's leading retailers to discuss, explore and learn from one another's e-commerce challenges and goals. The day will include keynote speakers, presentations and workshops from prominent industry retailers and will end with an exclusive evening party, live music, bowling and karaoke entertainment – all of which will provide quality networking opportunities. 

Speakers Include:

Martin Burton, Head of eCommerce, Fred Perry 
Brett Willis, Key Account Director, Dotmailer 
Tim Callan, Chief Marketing Officer, SLI Systems 
Matt Eames, Chief Marketing Officer, Feefo 
Mark Hammond, Chief Operating Officer, Petspyjamas 
Simon Hogg, Digital Marketing Manager, Bestway Wholesale 
Kate Russel, Tech Reporter & Author 
Shaun Ryan, Chief Innovation Officer & Co- Founder, SLI Systems 
Ian Scarr, Regional Vice President EMEA, SLI Systems 
Chloe Thomas, Creator, Ecommerce Masterplan 
Brandon Wilkins, Director of European Sales, Bronto 
Heike Zellerhoff, Account Executive UK, Shopware 

09:15 Registration & Coffee

09:50 Introduction with Kate Russell & opening remarks - Ian Scarr, Regional Vice President, EMEA SLI Systems

10:10 A Future of E-Commerce- Shaun Ryan, Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder, SLI Systems

10:40 Embracing Digital Transformation, Simon Hogg, Digital Marketing Manager, Bestway Wholesale

11:10 Revenue Rescue: Saving Sales when Shoppers Stray - Brandon Wilkins, Director of European Sales, Bronto

11:40 Coffee Break

12:00 Measuring ROI- Chris Edge, Customer Success Director, SLI Systems

“Once upon a time...” - The power of Storytelling - Heike Zellerhoff, Account Executive, Shopware

12:30 30 Sites in 30 minutes- Tim Callan, Chief Marketing Officer, SLI Systems

Creating Trust with SEO & Long Tail Keywords - Mark Hammond, Chief Operating Officer, PetsPyjamas

13:00 Testing & Analytics- Chris Edge, Customer Success Director, SLI Systems

The Power of Customer Reviews in Retail - Matt Eames, Chief Commercial Officer, Feefo

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Growing The Tribe: How Fred Perry builds customer loyalty in an omnichannel world - Brett Willis – Key Account Director, Dotmailer & Martin Burton – Head of Ecommerce, Fred Perry

15:00 Product Roadmap – Shaun Ryan, Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder, SLI Systems

15:30 Coffee Break

15:50 How to Get More New Customers to Your Site in 2016, Chloe Thomas, creator of Ecommerce Masterplan

16:20 Panel: What's Next?

16:50 Closing Remarks - Kate Russell

17:00 After party with bowling and a special performance from the Cuban Brothers.

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