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Webinar: How To Choose A Future-Proof CMS

Webinar: How To Choose A Future-Proof CMS

Modern content consumption is changing dramatically, driving a need for real-time content output and intelligent content repurposing and delivery. Does your content management system (CMS) deliver the necessary agility to help you keep pace with shifting customer, market and business needs?

In this webinar with Eric Hoffman from Eastbanc Tech, you’ll learn:

  • Why high-value content alone isn’t enough to satisfy consumer demand
  • How a CMS can better serve different channels and how to optimize these
  • How a CMS can help you better understand your audience’s journey  
  • How tomorrow’s content is changing – and what this means for your CMS

In addition, Mark Peerdeman of Hippo CMS will share a practical example of this by illustrating how Hippo future-proofs its CMS, including how Hippo thinks about the future of content management and a sneak peek at the Hippo product roadmap.

Eric Hoffman, VP of Eastbanc Tech
Eric Hoffman is a leader in the technology and engineering industry with a passion for helping organizations leverage cloud, mobile, and other technologies to transform operations and derive business value.

Mark Peerdeman, Hippo's Director of Product Management
Mark heads up Hippo's Product Department and Mark heads up Hippo's Product Department and has over twenty years of experience in marketing- and productmanagement and regularly shares his knowledge writing tech articles for tech and marketing magazines. 

Wednesday Sept 13, 2016

4pm BST / 5pm CET

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