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WEBINAR: Employee Engagement in the Digital Workplace

Improving Internal Communication Through Targeting and Personalization

Corporate intranet portals can be a major source of frustration for employees worldwide. Employee engagement, which crucial to employee retention and satisfaction, can often suffer when employees find themselves without a way to communicate with others in the organisation online - or when they are forced to do so through a clunky or malfunctioning system.

In this webinar, Adrian Collier (Product Manager at Hippo) and Nathan Nelson (Creative Designer at VassIT) demonstrate how a web content management system can be implemented to enable employee engagement in the corporate digital workspace, and how Hippo's targeting and personalization capabilities can help companies deliver personalized content to foster employee retention and satisfaction. They will show a set of diverse real-life examples from the Dutch police force and employee engagement platform Lifeworks.

Who should attend: IT decision makers, developers and anyone interested in the vastly evolving technology landscape.


Adrian Collier, Product Manager, Hippo
Nathan Nelson, Creative Designer, VassIT

Time: 8am PST | 11am EST | 5pm CET

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