What's on

dotlive: The Customer Experience Masterplan - London

dotlive: The Customer Experience Masterplan - London

Join us at our inspiration evening session on Thursday 11th August at 6:30pm at No.1 London Bridge where we'll be discussing the Customer Experience Masterplan.

Customer experience (CX) marketing is complex, crossing organizational and communication channels throughout the entire company. That’s why many companies rate their efforts low. This event will help you understand how a holistic approach to your marketing can help you succeed and grow.


Matt McClelland, Channel Relationship Manager, dotmailer
Stuart James, Key Account Director, dotmailer

You will learn:

  • 3 guiding principles of great customer experience
  • The key ingredients for success and what your customers really want
  • Quick wins including tips on landing pages and abandoned baskets to increase revenue
  • How to be customer-service oriented and seamless across all devices, locations and channels

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