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dotlive: CTA cheatsheet - London

dotlive: CTA cheatsheet - London

Join us at our inspiration breakfast session on Wednesday 20th July at No.1 London Bridge.

We know that 68% of companies rate email as a good channel for improving ROI. So, do your emails get the return or response you hope for? Having a good CTA is absolutely essential in getting your customers to engage with your brand. While a bad one puts you at risk for losing a profitable opportunity.


Skip Fidura, Client Services Director, dotmailer
Brett Willis, Key Account Director, dotmailer

Join us for this dotlive discussion and let us help you:

  • Understand why having strong CTAs are vital for delivering strong campaigns
  • Learn tips to make your CTAs more compelling and engaging
  • Discover what can work against you and hinder your click-through results
  • See examples of great CTAs that are delivering killer results

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