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Digital Doughnut's February Meet Up

Digital Doughnut's February Meet Up

Come Along To Digital Doughnut's February Meet Up, Our Annual General Meeting...

Five years ago John Horsley, and his partner Graham Ruddick, sat around his kitchen table in Shoreditch to develop what is now the world’s biggest digital and marketing community with almost one million members - Digital Doughnut

A key part of the Doughnut experience are our Meet Ups, which give you a chance to meet your peers, share ideas and build valuable new contacts.

So what’s new for the first Meet-Up of 2016?

  • We’ll give you an exclusive peak at the results of our recent Inbound Marketing Survey. And everyone who sign’s up will be the amongst the first to receive a free copy of the report
  • You’ll also get an exclusive demo and have a chance to play with the all-new Digital Doughnut website which launches soon
  • To make it even more special, this will be the inaugural Digital Doughnut AGM (Annual General Meeting), where we’ll give you the chance to have your say and tell us what you’d like to see from the community in 2016
  • The meet-up is free to attend, so sign-up now and come and join us on Tuesday the 23rd of February at Far Rockaway, in the heart of Shoreditch.

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