Steve's profile

Steve Moncrieff
Steve Moncrieff Marketing and Strategy Consultant ewe
United Kingdom

Multi-channel marketing & insight strategist with a specialisation in digital, social CRM and customer engagement. Experience spanning direct marketing, social media, CRM, email, digital media, TV, radio, outdoor and traditional print. Applying customer centric thinking to brand and product purchasing journeys – across campaign strategy, multi-channel acquisition/ retention, insight, planning & customer experience and beyond. In the last 6 years working with clients data analytical and insight teams to translate customer data into actionable multi-channel campaigns, making customer retention and acquisition more effective. Experience and Specialties: Social Media | Social CRM | Customer Journey Planning | CRM Touchpoints and Roadmaps | Digital Channel Strategy | Web & Mobile Development | Direct Marketing | Data Insight


I hold the position of Client Strategy Director at the award-winning ewe customer experience agency. In working with our clients I lead the development of your customer experience and CRM strategy using ewe’s unique set of methods and process, making your customer communications and acquisition more effective, through insight into the customer journey.