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How to Navigate the Complexities of PIM Software Selection

How to Navigate the Complexities of PIM Software Selection

Today, organizations deal with the growing complexity and diversity of product information and digital assets. If left unmanaged, product information and digital assets could lead to inconsistencies, delays, and a...

Sudhanshu Singh
Sudhanshu Singh 25 July 2024
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Three-Quarters of Companies Say There’s a Gap Between What Customers Want and What Businesses Can Deliver

Three-Quarters of Companies Say There’s a Gap Between What Customers Want and What Businesses Can Deliver

Digital transformation has failed to prepare most businesses to meet the demands of their customers. That’s the key finding of new research published by digital product consultancy Netcel and digital experience...

Michael Nutley
Michael Nutley 23 July 2024
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Boost ROI & Conversions: How B2B Data Enrichment Supercharges Your Funnel

Boost ROI & Conversions: How B2B Data Enrichment Supercharges Your Funnel

Outdated data can misdirect resources and waste efforts, with marketers and sales teams pursuing irrelevant leads. This not only reduces efficiency but also affects the overall customer experience, leading to lower...

Brown Walsh
Brown Walsh 23 July 2024
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Is it Time to Migrate From Sitecore?

Is it Time to Migrate From Sitecore?

As digital landscapes evolve and the pace of innovation accelerates, Sitecore users are facing numerous challenges that are prompting them to consider alternative, modern and flexible CMS platforms.

Candyspace Media
Candyspace Media 19 July 2024
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How to Create and Edit High-Performing Video Ads: An Expert Guide

How to Create and Edit High-Performing Video Ads: An Expert Guide

Create and edit video ads that captivate your audience with this expert guide. Discover step-by-step strategies from planning to optimizing video ad campaigns.

Gaurav Sharma
Gaurav Sharma 16 July 2024
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