
Andrew Addison
Andrew Addison 6 December 2023

Chasing Data Trails: How Data Shapes Purple Square’s 5 Core Principles of CX

Navigating the intricate world of data, Purple Square helps businesses harness the potential of their information. Reflecting on simpler data times, this article emphasises that having an abundance of data isn’t automatically beneficial. The pitfalls of poor data management are vast, from inconsistent communications to missed marketing opportunities. Yet, with the right approach, data becomes invaluable.

Purple Square offers a comprehensive toolkit, like a jigsaw guiding you towards a complete customer picture. Curious about transforming your data into insights? Dive into the full article and discover how to be ahead in a data-driven future.

I think I have been quite fortunate in my career; I started out with an organisation at the forefront of the use of data in marketing, at a time when it was all relatively new. I learned very quickly what can be done with well maintained and managed information to deliver targeted and personalised communications at scale.

For what was a tiny company, we worked with huge national and multi-national organisations, helping them make sense of the data they held and how best to use it for customer communications.

At that time however the data was limited, mainly transactional and communication history. Fast forward to today, and the stakes and data have multiplied exponentially in the world of Customer Experience (CX). In a digital era flooded with information, how do you ensure your data works for you and not against you?

A Journey Back in Time: Data in a Simpler World

Before the internet, businesses relied on simpler methods to understand their customers—think customer surveys and feedback forms. They were basic, yes, but also limited in scope.

Imagine trying to understand a painting by only seeing a small corner of it. That’s the kind of view businesses had of their customers. Then came the data explosion. With every click, purchase, or share, businesses could suddenly see a fuller picture. But with the blessing of abundant data came the challenge of making sense of it.

The Gold in Data: Purple Square’s Emphasis on Information

At the heart of Purple Square’s “5 Core Principles of CX” lies Data. It’s what gives substance to Vision, empowers Operations, enriches People’s capabilities, and synergises with Technology.

But, like me, you’ve probably heard the horror stories: businesses drowning in a sea of data, unable to harness its true potential, right?

Here’s the catch: having lots of data doesn’t automatically lead to success. Without centralised data control, businesses stand at a precipice. The pitfalls are plentiful…

  • Inconsistent communications, across channels, touchpoints, or teams
  • Non-compliance risks with regulations and policies
  • Missed opportunities to upsell or retarget
  • Poor data accuracy, leading to incorrect or incomplete decision making

However, when Data is handled right, it transforms into a marketers goldmine, offering unparalleled insights into building meaningful relationships. Remember, it’s not about quantity, but quality.

Purple Square’s Data Arsenal: Tools to Tame the Data Beast

With Purple Square, you have access to a suite of tools and techniques designed to make your data journey smooth and effective:

  1. CDP & Marketing Master Data Management: Consolidate and organise for maximised insights, enabling you to manage your data effectively.
  2. Source Mapping: Knowing where your data comes from is half the battle. It’s about trust and transparency.
  3. Data Dictionary & Definition: In a world of jargon, clarity is the hero. Understand your data, inside out.
  4. Integration and Identity Management: Seamless flow across platforms. After all, your customers see one brand, not fragmented pieces.
  5. Customer 360 View: This is the panoramic view of your customers, offering insights into their world, desires, and behaviours.
  6. Marketing Presentation & KPI Management: Visualisation and analysis. How do you know you’re succeeding? Track, measure, optimise.

Think of data as the pieces of a jigsaw without a clear picture on the box, unsorted we can’t tell what it is but as the pieces come together the picture becomes more understandable.

It’s only when the last piece is in place do we really have the full picture of our customer.

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