
Kenny Tripura
Kenny Tripura 7 September 2021
Categories B2B, B2C

How Offline Marketing Works Miracles With Online Marketing

In 2021, everything is possible and new marketing strategies are being deployed with the perfect blend of online and offline marketing. The influence of the internet is at its peak, but offline marketing channels still have the potential to support your business marketing goals.

The use of both online and offline marketing has always been a controversial topic. Online marketing supporters have valid reasons to support the channels while offline marketing yields results.

PPC, social media ads and other digital media channels have been in play for a long time, but offline marketing is an older player with effective ROI. Is it possible to combine online and offline marketing? Is it compulsory to choose only one marketing method?

Offline Marketing

Offline marketing is a strategy that involves reaching out to the target audience with postcards, letters, and other print media content. The process is simple as the business only needs to offer the digital message that is printed and delivered by the service provider. Direct mail marketing is fast, reliable, and effective with the least manual effort.

Reaching a target audience through the right marketing channel is crucial. According to FinancesOnline, 82% of consumers trust print ads and the response rate for directly printed mail advertisements is up to 5 to 9%. Not focusing on offline marketing can simply put your business out of the equation.

Unifying Offline and Online Marketing

Print advertising is on the rise, again. B2B companies around the globe are more focused on print advertisements than ever. Unifying offline and online marketing can make any campaign 400% more effective.

These are not only theoretical facts and figures but practically proven stats. If you want to combine both online and offline marketing channels, here are some proven ways to do so.

1. Online Marketing for Offline Brand Awareness

Online activity can primarily be used to build brand awareness. Ensure that your advertising campaigns are efficient in gaining brand recognition and getting their name out there so that people know you exist.

Online media cost less than print advertisements and they can be more effective too. Online networking, social media pages, blogging, and even video marketing are the best ways to advertise your business on the internet. These online marketing tools are readily available in almost every local online marketplace.

2. Offer the Audience Ways to Connect on Social Media

Offline marketing proves to be even more effective when users get different discounts for performing specific actions. You can get followers for social media profiles or can get them to sign up for a newsletter.

Offline marketing can leverage graphics and attractive visuals to get the reader’s attention to the desired part. Print advertisement aims to connect with them on a more personal level.

3. Offline Marketing for Online Lead Generation

Offline is a way to gather leads and make online marketing more effective. Lead generation is the most important factor in any business's success so you mustn’t lose sight of it. Make sure all of your offline campaigns are in sync with your website and other online activities to manage the leads coming through any channel, whether via email or any other media channel.

Offline marketing should be fed into your database or CRM so that it becomes highly accessible when required to be used. You can register people's contact details via offline marketing methods; use this as an opportunity to build a relationship with them for future purposes of lead generation and sales.

4. Online Marketing for Offline Sales

Online marketing can play a key role in boosting the production of sales through offline methods. Online marketing is a convenient way to reach your customers and make sure you are in their minds every time they are thinking about your brand.

The popularity of your company is the key, but it turns out that there's more to it than simply that. Getting people excited about buying from you has been proved to yield 100% more profits than people who have only heard of you and haven't gone for anything yet.

You can use some online advertising techniques to boost sales from what was already happening on an everyday basis.

5. Create a Mobile App

Creating a mobile app is the best and easiest way to create a presence in the digital world. Your customers can access your app anytime anywhere as they have their smartphones with them. Plus, they can also share or mention your mobile app online which is the benefit of increasing your online presence through offline interaction.

You can also invite social media followers to download and use your android or iPhone app.

6. Use QR Codes for Print Advertisement

QR codes can easily direct the user to your desired page or link. If you want the readers to install your business app, you can print the QR codes for the Play Store or App Store.

Similarly, you can also embed the services page in the letters so users can effortlessly reach your services page. QR codes are secure and give a sense of authenticity and trust. Readers have the confirmation of being on the right site after scanning the code from your print advertisement.


Online interactions are pretty effective yet 70% of the consumers admit that direct mail marketing hits on a more personal level than digital channels. 54% of loyal brand customers wish to receive offline material from their favorite brands.

The open rate for direct mailers is up to 90% and there are hundreds of other reasons why offline marketing works miracles with online marketing. Use the right online platforms to combine offline and online marketing methods.

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