
Wendy Dessler
Wendy Dessler 3 November 2021
Categories Content

How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

If you incorporate these strategies into your blogging practices, you’ll start seeing more traffic, quicker and before long you’ll have an enthusiastic audience hanging on your every word.

When you first start blogging, it may seem nearly impossible to build an audience while increasing traffic to your blog. You have these grandiose ideas running through your head and your expectations are at an all-time high. Unfortunately, when just starting out, it’s going to take serious time to build a respectable audience. But it is possible if you’re willing to put in the time, effort, and energy to make it happen.

With that said, we’ll take a look at some incredibly effective ways to increase traffic to your blog.

1. Comment on Other Blogs in Your Niche

Blog commenting is a great way to draw attention to your personal or business blog. But you have to go about blog commenting the right way if you’re going to gain traction from this traffic generating method.

For starters, make sure every one of your comments is well thought out, engaging, thought-provoking, and as exciting as you can make it. By putting your best writing out in the blogosphere in the form of comments, readers will recognize your talent, like your thoughts and ideas, and more often than not they’ll click over to your blog to see what kind of posts and information you share with your audience.

If you comment enough on other people’s blogs in your industry, you’ll begin to see their traffic and readership slowly but surely become regulars of your blog. Before long, you’ll have used blog commenting to build a wide audience and more people than ever will be reading your posts on a daily basis.

2. Make it a Habit to Blog Consistently

Consistent blogging is one of the most important things when attempting to grow your traffic and readership. If your current readers and potential new readers do not have fresh content to enjoy on a regular basis, they are going to forget about you very quickly. Obviously that would be a shame since you’re working so hard to grow traffic to your blog.

Instead of keeping momentum against you, make it a habit to blog on a consistent basis. You do not necessarily have to blog every day, but pick one day a week, three days a week, or even five days a week and make sure you post something new on each and every one of the days you’ve committed to.

By developing this habit, your readers will expect the consistency. They will look forward to your blog posts and gladly read them as you dependably publish new content for your audience.

If you’re having a tough time sticking to a blog schedule, you can begin tracking your productivity using online software. By putting tracking in place, you’ll see your successes and failures and this will ultimately help you improve your consistency overall.

3. Write Shorter Blog Posts

If you’re having a tough time coming up with ideas for new content on a regular basis, try to focus on writing shorter blog posts instead. By cutting down your post size, you’ll be able to pump out more content on a consistent basis and you won’t have to come up with as many ideas.

Some people believe shorter blog posts aren’t for every audience. This may be true of your audience too. But you’re never going to find out unless you actually give it a try, so see how your audience reacts to shorter posts. If they don’t like them, go back to longer posts and work on generating more ideas for new posts.

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