
Mihir Gadhvi
Mihir Gadhvi 1 March 2021

7 Proven Ways to Get More Organic Traffic to Your Blog or Website

In the current age, we cannot even imagine our life without the Internet. It has now become a basic necessity for any business. Businesses rely heavily on the Internet because websites and blogs have now become the first point of contact. Therefore, getting more organic traffic to a website has become an integral part of promotional activities for any business.

According to Hubspot, marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to receive a positive ROI. If you don't prioritize your blogs, then you are missing all the new traffic and sales from your website.

Create Content that Converts

If you take a step back from all the noise and try to understand WHY someone should visit your site, you will come to realize that it is for "content". People that come to your site either want answers to their questions, want to learn something new, want to see things from a different perspective, or are simply bored.

No matter what the reason, people would come to your site to "consume" the content that you create. So, to generate organic traffic to your site, you need to have quality content that your visitors would love to read.

In-depth content that adds value to the reader is more likely to get shared by them, which in turn, would generate even more traffic. Therefore, always focus on creating long-form content as it is not only engaging for the reader but is also important for increasing search engine rankings.

Firstly, long content means that there will be much more information as compared to short content. Secondly, long content allows you to use a lot of keywords in your content which in turn helps improve your SERP rankings. Therefore, focus on content that converts not only the readers but also the search engines and your website will go a long way.

Make Your Website Search Engine Friendly (On-Page SEO)

Without a doubt, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the best ways to get lots of quality organic traffic to your website. A well-planned SEO strategy can lead your website to the first page of the search engine results page(SERP) on Google in no time. Once your website starts to improve in rankings, you will start to get lots of quality traffic to your website/blog.

There are various factors to be considered to make your website SEO-Friendly. Some of the important factors are:

  1. Quality of content
  2. Length of content
  3. Keywords
  4. Domain / page authority
  5. Bounce rate
  6. Page load time
  7. Rich snippets
  8. Robots.txt
  9. Voice search optimization

And much more.

These factors make it easier for search engines to "crawl" your website and understand the niche, context, and relevance of your content. Then, when a user search query matches the keywords on your site, you are likely to rank higher on search results. This in turn would boost your organic traffic.

To increase your organic traffic, you can also make use of trending keywords in your content. Trending keywords improve the possibility of your site coming on top as the no. of users searching for that particular keyword grows with trends.

Also, it is very important to synchronize the keywords and content with each other to avoid misleading the visitors. Misleading the visitors will eventually hurt your ranking on Google and other search engines. So, you should always focus on keeping your website's content genuine and compatible with Google search guidelines.

Bonus Tip: Voice search optimization is on the rise due to the arrival of virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google. If you want to improve traffic to your site quickly, make sure to optimize your site for voice search. Doing so will put you ahead of your competitors as not everyone is optimizing their site for voice search.

Leverage Social Media

After search engines, social media is one of the best platforms to market your products. Social media is a strong communication channel for brands to connect with their users and potential buyers. Almost everyone uses some sort of social media website to stay connected with the world. Not only this, brands prefer to introduce their new products, services, the launch of an event, etc., through social media itself due to the high ROI.

Social media has now become an opinion maker and has emerged as one of the decisive factors in changing the destiny of many businesses and companies.

To get high-quality traffic from social media, all you need to focus on is engaging with your audience via social media pages and accounts. Since success on social media is all about "interaction" with your target audience, you should pay special attention to make your account(s) and the page(s) highly engaging.

The key point to understand is that you need to experiment with various types of content. The types of content that you can experiment with include:

  1. Videos
  2. Graphics
  3. Polls
  4. Stories
  5. Competitions
  6. Giveaways
  7. User-generated content

And much more.

Keep trying different types of content till you find the few ones that increase your engagement the most.

Put That Email to Good Use

It might seem that email marketing is out of trend or dead, but it is far from the reality. Email marketing always was and always will be an integral part of marketing to generate organic traffic. No matter the size of the business, email marketing is bound to generate tons of traffic.

The achieve this, you would first need to build your email subscribers list. Once you have your email subscribers list, you can quickly drop them an email of any new webpage that you want to promote.

A simple strategy to build your email list is to capture the email address of your website visitors by offering them value such as:

  1. An ebook that explains a concept
  2. A case study
  3. A free consultation session
  4. Newsletter subscription

Among other things.

You can achieve this by adding a lead capture form on every page of your website/blog. The form will help you to understand if your audience likes your content and if so, what kind of content do they look for in the future. Make sure to use a call-to-action (CTA) that is very enticing to increase your chances of capturing the lead.

There are various tools available in the market that help you automate the entire process from email capture to creating customized email templates, to sending regular updates to your subscribers. Some of the most famous tools are Aweber, getResponse, Mailchimp, OptinMonster.

Encourage User Engagement

To increase organic traffic on your blogs/websites you have to encourage people (yes, even trolls) to add comments or their views on your posts as it can be beneficial to you in many ways.

The first benefit is that it adds keyword-rich content to your website. Secondly, it encourages visitors to visit your blog again as discussions start happening in the comments section of your site. Thirdly, the time that the visitors stay on your site increases thanks to the discussion and heated arguments, which is a good sign according to Google.

Keeping all this in mind, allowing users to put forth their views is a must-have for your site to increase not just traffic, but also brand loyalty.

Build Backlinks to Your Posts (Off-Page SEO)

Imagine that you have been running a blog for a few years now. You generate a decent amount of regular traffic on your website. Those who read your content regularly visit your site and engage with your content.

Now, what would your readers do if there is a link in one of your articles to another website that has some extra information?

Of course, those who read your content would also read content on that website, isn't it?

What if you could get links to your website from other websites that have a good amount of traffic? You would get organic traffic to your site as well! To get a lot of audiences, you would have to generate links to your websites on various platforms. For example:

  1. Similar blogs
  2. Quora
  3. Community forums
  4. Influencer sites
  5. Product review sites
  6. Social media pages

The more channels where you can have links to your website, the better.

On-page SEO is important as it helps you rank higher on search engines. Off-page SEO on the other hand helps you leverage the audience that someone else has built. You can either interact with other bloggers, website owners, media houses, etc. to help you fetch links, or you can outsource the work and hire a PR Agency to help you build some quality backlinks.

Paid Advertisement

Yes, this post is about getting organic traffic and not paid traffic, but just stick with it for a while. We know that paid advertisement gets you traffic that is targeted at a very specific target audience. We can use this to our advantage to convert paid traffic to organic traffic.

First, we need to create content that is share-worthy, keyword-rich, highly-engaging, and uses a trending keyword. Next, by using ads on different platforms, we can attract an audience that would interact with this content and share it on their social media. Not only will they share our content, but they will also most likely provide their email address, or even visit our website regularly.

Thus, using content and ads in combination, we can essentially convert paid traffic to organic traffic. We would also get additional traffic from the shares, which in turn would be beneficial for SEO as well. To make the best use of this strategy, you can run Ads on multiple platforms including:

  1. Google Adwords
  2. Facebook Ads
  3. Instagram Ads
  4. LinkedIn Ads


You have to give your best effort every time, go after opportunities your competitors missed, and stay on top of Google trends to get more organic traffic. We hope the tips that we shared to generate organic traffic would prove beneficial to you!

Do share your success/failure stories with us and let us know if we missed out on your favorite hack to get more organic traffic to your website.

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