
Blogger Cage
Blogger Cage 9 November 2020

Channels in Which Your Brand Must be Present During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Know the channels in which your brand must be present during the coronavirus to remain present and demonstrate your level of commitment.

In this digital age where alternative media are the ones that stand out, it is important that you keep in mind which channels your brand should be present. Because while there is a wide range, not all of them work for different companies. Each one handles a different dynamic.

In addition, you also have to know which ones are preferred by your audience. Thus, you can match your content to the moment that is being experienced in almost the entire world due to the pandemic generated by the coronavirus (Covid-19).

Once you have these clear specifications, you can start applying your marketing strategy in the channel or channels that suit you best. Without a doubt, social networks should be your choice. The scope of these digital platforms is indisputable. Thanks to them it is easier to interact with users.

It is essential to understand the importance of knowing your target audience first. It will be useless for you to have a presence in this or that social network if it does not return traffic, contact or interaction with the user.

In the end, this is what will define the conversion of a follower to a potential customer who is faithful to your brand. Without leaving aside how relevant the humanization of your company is in the situation that is being faced by the coronavirus. All this makes it essential to know the channels in which your brand must be present during the coronavirus.

Social Networks to Give Presence to Your Brand

The fact that there are many social networks does not imply that your brand should have a presence in all of them. This will depend on the products or services you offer. Likewise, it is best to do an analysis of your audience to determine with which of them you will get more attention and visualization to gain new leads.

You have several digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest to choose from. Just to name the most prominent. But as mentioned above, it doesn't mean that you should have an account on all of them.

The ideal is to understand the scope that each one can have so that you correctly define the channels your brand should be present in:

  • Facebook: You can work through the fan page tool where you can promote your brand through varied content (images, text, videos). It is suitable for the public between the ages of 25 and 50.
  • Instagram: It is the social network focused on the image. Therefore, you should publish high-quality visual content and avoid lengthy writing. Its audience is broader as it ranges from 16-24 years to 25-34 years.
  • Twitter: It is a challenge for many due to the limitation of words. But it is an excellent diffuser of the content you have on your website. In this case, the target audience is not as well determined as in the others, as it varies between young people and adults.
  • Pinterest: If your brand is focused on women, this is the right channel where aesthetics prevail. 42% of online women are users of Pinterest. The ages range between 18-29 years and between 30-49 years.

Benefits of Social Media to Promote Your Brand


It is not surprising that social networks stand out among the channels in which your brand should be present. The boom they have had in recent years has generated their presence in most of the marketing strategies of companies. Therefore, these are 6 of the greatest benefits they offer:

1. Boost your brand

Digital platforms are your best ally to publicize the values​​ of your company. They also allow you to reinforce your corporate identity through publications and designs.

What better place to present and offer your products and services, allowing you to build your brand and reach the desired audience? It is also important that you do not take advantage of the critical moment in the world motivated by the pandemic. You must promote prevention and solidarity.

2. Increase traffic to your website

If you also have a website, you should take into account that social networks go hand in hand with it. Today people tend to use these platforms more to search for services, products, promotions and offers. That is why this fusion must be present within your strategy, which will increase traffic to the web.

3. Pay attention to comments

It is important to be very attentive to the comments they make about your brand. This is one of the main keys to knowing what people think. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to know what you are doing well and what needs to be improved. Active listening is the most practical and effective way to be aware of the impact of your brand on the Internet.

4. Communication with the client

Currently, users of social networks not only use this channel to inform themselves but also to establish brand-client communication. This is really positive if you know how to address people in the right way because, by interacting with them, you not only know what they think, but you also make them feel valued. It is important to integrate yourself into their life with messages that help them stay positive in the face of this pandemic.

5. Study your competition

Like your brand, many others are in this digital market. Therefore, it is essential that you do an analysis of the competition. Research their publications, their designs and, thus, you will know where your strategy should be directed. It is not about copying the work of another but studying it to make yours original and with the improvements that you consider.

6. Audience segmentation

One of the benefits of social networks is that it provides you with analytics with which you can collect valuable information from your audience. If you apply good management in this analysis, it can be useful for creating a strategy that allows you to better connect with your audience, as well as attract potential customers to increase your sales.

Other Channels Where Your Brand Should be Present During Coronavirus

It is true that social networks are ahead of the channels in which your brand must be present. However, there are others that will serve as allies in your project who are specifically responsible for maintaining close and friendly communication with potential clients. These 3 channels are:

1. Calls


You may see it as obsolete but it is still the best communication channel to solve problems directly and immediately, without long waiting times.

Also, if you do your job well, the client will feel well cared for and will remain loyal to your brand. What better way to boost it than by building a good reputation?

But you must take into consideration that not all people like to receive calls. For this reason, make sure that the client authorizes to receive information through this means. If so, when you make the call you have to introduce yourself and explain why you are communicating with him. Remember to use an appropriate tone so that you feel that you have received good care.

In addition, this channel also works so that it is the customer who communicates with you. Not just when you have a problem. But to buy the products or services that your brand offers. In this way, communication will flow from both sides.

2. SMS


Texting doesn't go out of style. Perhaps they are less frequent. But they are still used especially to reach that adult audience that has not joined the new technologies.

It is worth mentioning that marketing uses this communication channel to keep you close to your customer. Therefore, SMS marketing is one of the channels in which your brand must be present during the coronavirus. The SMS will provide the following possibilities:

  • Send reminders about some detail that needs customer action.
  • Updates on the request or management of a service.
  • Notices about events, promotions or discounts related to your brand.
  • And in these times where people are collapsed with information due to the coronavirus, a positive message for your client to feel your solidarity does not hurt.

As in the case of calls, it is important that you have the user's authorization so that your messages are accepted. You will see the scope of this channel despite being a method with a lot of travel. It is proven that when people receive an SMS they read it immediately. And this increases the visibility of your brand.

3. Email Marketing


Marketing has taken advantage of many channels that people were forgetting or only using them for something specific. This time it's about email marketing. A channel widely used by companies due to the ease of sending any type of information. This is possible thanks to the variety of tools that email marketing offers.

You have to be clear that the content must be attractive. Starting with the title. Otherwise, the customer will not take the time to open the email and read the information you are sending. If you are going to carry out promotions through this channel, you also have to include a topic of interest related to what you offer.

Try to show solidarity with your client through emails. It is not enough that you offer products and services. It is also necessary that your brand becomes a source of prevention and care in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. It is not about marketing misfortune but about humanizing your company and making it closer.

You already know the channels in which your brand must be present. Now you just have to select the indicated ones and start enhancing it. But if you want to know more about how you can manage your presence in the different channels and work your brand with a corporate branding strategy, in Blogger Cage we have the keys to do so.

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