
Rick Barron
Rick Barron 17 October 2019

Have Time to Talk?

Hosting a Twitter Chat is like having a discussion over coffee, except its online. It’s fast, informal, and the audience is at ease to be expressive with their thoughts.

Hosting a Twitter Chat is like having a discussion over coffee, except its online. It’s fast, informal, and the audience is at ease to be expressive with their thoughts.

Twitter Chats continue to gain popularity for those who are seeking more value out of the social platform. Participating in Twitter chats can be beneficial whether you are an individual, a small business or large corporation. One of the key elements of extracting the most value out of Twitter is either by hosting and/or participating in active, high-profile chats. 

Twitter Chats is just too powerful to ignore! Please check out this list of Twitter Chat Marketers to follow.

If that’s not enough to convince you, here are a few key benefits Twitter Chats can provide:

1. Increase Brand Exposure

We all know how Twitter can be used for branding, marketing, monitoring, etc. Though, it might surprise you on how you can work on your brand’s authority while participating in popular tweet chats. By sharing your experience with others and helping them resolve a few questions, you can certainly come out as a leading player in the game.

Compared to your competitors, you would have a better presence on Twitter. Not just that, you would have a faithful base of followers, whom you have gained after sharing your informative content.

 2. Humanize Your Brand

How often do you see brands come together with their fans to discuss a particular topic with them?

Not often. Twitter Chats are a great way to do just that since it allows you to engage with your fans. This helps humanize your brand as you engage with your community.

Engaging in Twitter Chats allows you to connect with peers, potential customers, influencers and others who are active on Twitter. Getting to know those who are active in chats builds great community engagement inside and outside of the chat itself.

3. It’s A Great Way to Listen

Okay, your company has tweeted enough! Those thousands of creative tweets need to take a back seat. Now it’s time to listen to your community. Here’s where social listening comes into understanding your community needs.

One of the best ways to understand consumers’ natural behaviors and how they’re already talking about your brand is through social listening. The insights derived from the world’s largest, most open and accessible focus group, social media, can inform brand content that has a much greater potential to resonate with your audience by leveraging the ways they’re already acting and engaging on social.

4. Feedback and Learning

Ask and you shall receive! Remember, since Twitter Chats are a great way to listen, you can use this opportunity to receive important feedback from your audience.

Post a question about what you want to know and you’ll get instant feedback immediately!

Twitter Chats provide a great opportunity to learn! You can boost your knowledge about a particular topic or industry, the community that participates and/or the host. There are hundreds of topic-focused, event-driven and industry-specific Twitter Chats happening on any given day at any given time. Find the chats that match your interest and begin by doing one thing first: Listen! See what people have to say and how they engage with one another. For hosts, Twitter chats provide a great resource for testing new ideas, getting customer perspectives or simply seeing what your audience responds to. It’s a huge learning opportunity for those willing to be involved. 

5. Build Your Thought Leadership

Twitter chats offer you the opportunity to showcase your knowledge, expertise, and understanding of a particular topic or industry. Whether you host a chat or participate in one, the platform allows you to answer questions, share your perspective, provide feedback to others and to be a source of value for the community. When you share your knowledge with others, you gain more exposure to you and/or your business. When you do this consistently, people begin to take notice. It’s this amazing little thing call “Influence.” The more value you provide, the more you begin to establish yourself as a thought leader. This is one of the easiest ways to get noticed and stand out on Twitter.  

6. New followers

Who doesn’t want more followers? Twitter Chats are one of the easiest ways to get them since you’re constantly gaining exposure from tweets people are tweeting during the chat.

Participating in Twitter Chats helps you pinpoint those who are highly engaged and provide value on Twitter. You can grow your network both on Twitter and offline by identifying those who share your interests. The key is to connect with your community…providing value, collaboration, support, and engagement on a consistent basis.

Summing up:

I think Twitter Chats are one of the best ways to reach more people on social media! I think the pace, information, and conversation is what drives its effectiveness.

While Twitter Chats may not be a new thing, it’s definitely not fully utilized.

I’m seeing a massive gap in many different industries and now is the time to start one– especially if your industry is fairly niche. Imagine being the go-to person for Twitter Chats for your industry.


About the author

Hi, my name is Rick and I thank you for reading this article!

I explore to learn new stuff every day and here I will share all my experiences and thoughts with you.

You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram. :)

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