
Tom Willis
Tom Willis 3 December 2019

5 Reasons Not To Ignore Mobile For Digital Marketing

If you are not adopting a mobile-first approach to digital marketing, then you are at risk of your competition getting ahead of you. Here are five reasons why investing more time and effort into mobile marketing can help you to elevate your online business growth in 2020.

Whilst many trends come and go in digital marketing, some tactics continue to evolve to the point where they become a fundamental tool for increasing business revenue and growth online. Mobile is a prime example of a recent shift in the digital marketing mix that is now widely considered a major lever for attracting and retaining customers. Still, many brands are failing to capitalise on the use of mobile marketing and run the risk of a financial downturn in the long run.

Here are five scenarios that allude to why mobile marketing is a channel that simply cannot be ignored by brands with a strong digital presence in 2020.

1. It has the backing of Google.

In 2019 Google announced that mobile-first indexing will now be the default for all new websites, meaning that when a new domain is registered it will be crawled by Google’s smartphone Googlebot, and the indexation process will use content on mobile pages to understand how the website functions and appears in search results. If your website is not optimised for mobile, you could be at risk of losing SEO visibility over the long-term.

2. Mobile growth is not slowing down any time soon.

According to data analysis into user behaviour, traffic to websites has sky-rocketed astronomically over the last decade. Back in 2009 only 0.7% of web traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones whereas in 2017, mobile reportedly accounted for 50.3% of all web traffic generated worldwide. If your website does not cater for people using mobile then you may be bypassing a huge opportunity for sales and leads via this pathway. 

3. We live in a 24/7 society.

Remember that your audience is now acclimatised to consuming content on mobile devices on loop more than ever before. From the moment they wake up until they go to sleep – during commuting hours, lunch breaks at works and in evenings when socialing with friends and family – there is scope to push multimedia content and marketing messaging on behalf of your product or service. Channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube are projected to continuously grow with mobile becoming the core device type for engagement.

4. Exploring options with apps.

According to Sensortower, almost one-third of mobile app downloads accrued to the App Store in the latter half of 2018. This sizeable amount was enough to drive 66% of global mobile app revenue for Apple’s platform, making it the most lucrative app store on in today’s market. This trend underlines the importance of your website having an app download option for mobile to build your cusotmerbase. 

5. The experience is more personal. 

Websites viewed on desktop can feel outdated and clunky to younger generations who are used to the ease and adaptability of social media platforms. Redesigning your website for obile offers an opportunity to remain relevant to consumers through flexible and familiar UX design practises. If your mobile website takes away most of the hard graft for the user then you may improve your chances of them converting to your specific calls-to-action and improve conversions.

These are just some of the top level recommendations for adjusting your digital marketing strategy to push mobile to the forefront. It’s vital to note that as mobile evolve, your business must learn to adapt too, or risk alienating potential customers and hindering online business growth.

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