
sofia coppol
sofia coppol 11 April 2019

8 Trends in the Enterprise Mobile App Development in 2019 and beyond

Mobile app development has already simplified a lot of things for enterprises. Now, advanced technologies like AR, VR, AI, ML, IoT, and wearable devices are taking this simplification several steps ahead. They are the latest trends in 2019. Let's find out more about these trends.

Today, enterprises have the power to introduce revolutionary changes to their people, processes, and prospects. The thriving technology is offering this power to them.

  1. AR and VR

A couple of years back, AR and VR were thought to be mere game-oriented technologies introduced to the mobile app development. Early adopters launched several games bases on AR and VR. But now, these technologies have caught the attention of businesses across industries like health, reality, manufacturing, travel etc. Apps based on AR and VR can serve a number of objectives, such as training and data visualization.

So, more and more industries are showing interest in AR and VR based apps for their enterprise operations. The year 2019 and ahead will turn out to be focused more on such apps that will use AR and VR technologies for the benefit of businesses’ enterprise operations.

  1. AI and ML

Businesses are learning how all their processes and people can be powered with intelligent mobile solutions based on AI and ML technologies.  Based on the business logics and data analytics, these apps can provide a better user experience. Mobile apps using AI and ML can simplify a variety of processes and make them more convenient for entrepreneurs. Chatbots, multi-language support etc are some examples of AI integration into enterprise apps. With the right approach, AR and VR technologies can take the enterprise mobile app development to an advanced level; however, AI and its subset ML are still so new that only large enterprises are able to afford them.

  1. Wearables

Wearables were once fashion gadgets but not now anymore. Businesses across the world have begun to allow their employees to access enterprise apps and data through wearable devices. We will soon see companies promoting the concept of Wear Your Own Devices (WYOD) because wearables are more instant when it comes to delivering important notifications and messages to employees. We will also see that more and more businesses will launch mobile apps already having wearable device integration so that the functionality can be extended at any point. 

  1. IoT

Internet of Things or IoT isn’t merely a concept now. It’s already being adopted at large scale in the end-customer market. However, enterprises have been ignoring IoT for so long, but now they too are showing interest in implementing the technology. With IoT, enterprises are able to adopt mobile app-based automation technology which uses IoT-sensors as well as fetching useful data to facilitate enterprises saving time and expenses. IoT-based mobile apps can also be applied to improve workplace security, particularly in corporate sectors.

  1. UX

One of the contributing factors making a mobile app successful is user experience or UX, and it’s considered even for an enterprise app. Entrepreneurs know that it’s the user experience that engages users with an app. Here users aren’t only external customers, but for an enterprise app, employees too are users. Because users prefer what they like, regardless of whether they are customers or employees, businesses have begun to stress on adding the rich UX to their enterprise mobile applications to ensure the higher adoption rate.

  1. Data storage and sharing

Modern businesses’ mobile app solutions heavily rely on real-time data access. Their enterprise practices generate zillions of data out of their complex business processes. It’s hard for enterprises to manage such huge data in a way that makes it swiftly accessible whenever required along with keeping it secured at the same time.

The purpose is smartly be served by enterprise mobility solutions. Mobile app developers should ensure that apps can enable users storing and accessing corporate data in real time. In 2019 and ahead, we will see developers coming up with advanced cloud-bases features to improve data storage and sharing.

  1. Cross-platform frameworks

If it’s the budget that holds you back from applying the enterprise mobility to your enterprise operations, then the way out is that you rely on cross-platform frameworks. Doubtlessly, developing native apps for Android and iOS may cost a small fortune to many businesses. But relying on cross-platform technologies can make it an economical deal. Modern cross-platform frameworks have turned quite handier and, they can be deployed irrespective of specific mobile platforms. We will see that SMBs relying more on cross-platform frameworks for introducing mobility to their workplace.

  1. Blockchain

The security of an enterprise app when it transacts data can be advanced further with the use of Blockchain technology. Many businesses have already started to implement blockchain based solutions to improve the security of online payment processing and smart contracts. Blockchain can be applied to improve app authentication and other safety-related features in an enterprise mobile application development.

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